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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Probably the Gunship that I've been hearing a lot of (with all the conflict going on in the Middle East).
  2. I couldn't vote for either because I also think it's up to the pilot to truely bring out the VF's capabilities. B)
  3. GREAT! B) But.....I hope each Valkyrie (except the VF-1's) has distinguishable sound effects. It'd be funny to hear the Gunpod from a VF-1 on the YF-21 (b/c we all know they sound differently). OR Does each Valkyrie have different capabilities? Can the YF-19 use it's shield?
  4. Wow! Has any other Valkyrie been given the Angel Birds treatment? That looks superb on a 1/60, I'm sure it'll look even better on a 1/48 (or Hasegawa). Once again................
  5. Well. I got copy of Macross from Play-Asia.com = $62.00 (the game + shipping) I got my PS2 Slide Card from tisins.com = $39.00 (product + shipping + in state tax) That's a little over $100 to play Macross on my domestic PS2. I hope this works......
  6. The same thing happened to me also. During HLJ.com's first Yamato sale I ordered a Hikaru 1/60 and they sent me a Hikaru 1/55. Oh well....they wanted me to send it back but I figured it'd take too much time.
  7. Alright.....just one more week and I'll have the Slide Card + Magic Disc 2.0 (what's all this about version 3.0) AND PS2 Macross game. I HOPE this works. B)
  8. Does it have any problems that plagued Battlecry? The invisible ceilings (that were kinda low)? Destroyable buildings?
  9. Well....I haven't played CS on my computer in several months (still haven't downloaded v1.6 STEAM). But I did get a chance to play it last weekend at my friends place. It's just as fun as before, and for a free game it's pretty damned fun. Just make sure you have a fast connection or you'll get AWP'd.
  10. Whoa! [/neo] I didn't know they included the GBP armor in this game. Are there other units (destroids) besides valkyries backing you up? B) More pics please.......
  11. I guess Yamato is giving us time to reload (our wallets) before the next onslaught. With all the 1/48 Fast Packs plus 1/60's and 1/72's there's gotta be more than a few MW'ers that wouldn't mind waiting a while longer (for new Yammie goodness).
  12. As long as the HG/BW war of words continues I wouldn't get my hopes up for a Stateside release.
  13. Hold on a tic. Some of your cons are kinda funny (2-3). Were you expecting Alec Guiness to come back from the dead and provide? I also don't think Harrison Ford or James Earl Jones would take the time to do voiceover work.
  14. No. It's not a cast. It's one huge orgy.
  15. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Major Kunsanagi - Jaymee Ong
  16. Tell your friend John he does great work. B) Is he trying to get a job as a penciler?
  17. Exactly. The only saving graces are the Takara Masterpiece Prime and Alternator's line (both of which HasBLOW is getting thier hands on). I hate that they have to dumb down Takara's beauties these days.
  18. Can you tell if the DYRL stages are completely diferent from the SDF stages?
  19. Where did you guys pick up your slide cards from? Do these stores accept Paypal? EDIT: I also can't believe they went with that cover. I'd much rather see a Haruhiko Mikomoto artwork.
  20. Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
  21. Wow and wow. You guys really have skills with cardboard.......for a second I thought that was molded plastic. How did you that so well?
  22. I think there was a thread where we posted info (but no pics) during the first two weeks (of the new MW Forums). Me post a pic? That's unpossible. (if we could post pics in our profile...like the old MW Forums then this would be much easier)
  23. Alright. I just ordered my copy of Macross from Play Asia. But first I need to know if this SLIDE CARD is going to work for my Stateside PS2. Who's gonna be the first to post a review?
  24. I'm about to order mine from Play-Asia too. B)
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