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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Hmmmmmmmmm.....it definitely has the look of Masamune Shirow (of Ghost In The Shell, Appleseed, etc.).
  2. I'll be following this news closely because I've been looking for a new Voltron. I was even thinking about picking up one of those LIONBOT's on E-Bay. Now that Toynami is remaking my second favorite Voltron I'll have to wait for that (yeah I like Vehicle Voltron.......got a problem with that).
  3. I've never seen the series but there are a couple of goods Inayusha songs out there (Fukai Mori or Dream). I also voted NULL.
  4. Yeah baby.
  5. I got through the training which was very interesting b/c you have to pass BT (basic training) before you go online. After that I lost interest and now I'm only playing Wolftenstein: ET and Counterstrike.
  6. Very nice! I love the intricate detailing that is sometimes missing from other mecha works (it reminds me of Geoff Darrow's (sp) work. I hope to see more.....
  7. Either way Squaresoft/Enix is going to charge you $13.00 for the monthly fees. The PS2 is going to cost a little more becuase you'll need the new HDD (Hard Disc Drive) upgrade, Network Adapter, plus the game. Ouch. But....it looks pretty interesting for a MMORPG. I also think this is the first online gaming venture for Squaresoft/Enix (please correct me if I'm wrong).
  8. Is the news about a G1 Megatron just wishful thinking? From what I've read on some Transformers Forums everyone thinks that it's impossible. I WANT MY MASTERPIECE MEGATRON TAKARA! The Luger one that is.........
  9. Hope to see you post sooner than later kanata67.
  10. What's the big problem about getting a slide card? I just picked one up and I'm planning to use it on my PS2.
  11. ...and let's now forget Pimp Daddy Megatron. "Where's my MONEY Cliffjumper?" "DIE!"
  12. Freaky doesn't begin to describe this picture.
  13. This is where I got mine from (and the total was just under $40.00). http://www.tisinc99.com/ps2maslbdisl.html
  14. Vol. 3 looks like it's gonna be the most action packed episode so far. Destroids! SV-51's doing bad things, Sara going tribal.
  15. If I have enough time I'd be one of the 88's from KILL BILL. Complete with severed arm and blood..........
  16. It hasn't been NON stop collecting but I started during the initial release of Yamato's 1/60 line. Ever since then I've been actively picking up Yamato merchandise.
  17. Will the YF-19 Fast Pack even be ready by Christmastime? Anyways.....I'd go for the Masterpiece Prime too.
  18. Hold on a tic. What is the stich technique? Are you talking about the stick technique? Don't take this the wrong way.......but I just had to post this.
  19. Just admitting that you want to pick up the new Charlies Angels movie takes ALOT of guts. You gotta admit.....Demi Moore looks great in those commercials.
  20. If there's anything good that comes out of this.........at least you're safe. Sorry about your car though......
  21. Great....they just made one of their lead writers the NEW GM of Smackdown. I guess Paul Heyman can only make it better.........right? The WWE needs new blood. A different Smackdown roster wouldn't hurt.
  22. Why is everyone saying they beat this game in less than a day? From what you guys have mentioned there's not that many stages in this game (13 for SDF:M and 8 for DYRL). I guess I'll have to take my sweet, sweet, time with this game.
  23. WHERE IS THE ASIAN SMILEY FROM THE OLD MW FORUMS? I miss the straw hat, slanted eyes, and honorable bow......it's so stereotypical it's funny.
  24. I remember starting one or two versus threads in the OLD MW Forums (Data vs. the Terminator anyone). They were usually locked after an hour or two......(BOOOOOOOOOOO!) I'm gonna say NAY. <_<
  25. UN Spacy

    1/48 Line

    Seriously.........a 1/48 VF-4 would be one of Yamato's best sellers. B)
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