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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I picked up the DVD at Best Buy (with a price match) for $15.49............... You guys will get a laugh from the Sgt. Candy special. That kind of caught me off guard.......... Definently a GREAT purchase with tons of extra footage........... Oh Hikuro I think there's gonna a T4 in the future.......
  2. Compaq Presario 6000 AMD Athlon XP 1800+ 1.53 GHz 640MB RAM 64MB Nvidia GeForce 4 (Graphics Card)
  3. Exactly! Whoa.....I just finished the episode and Tony's neck injury looked pretty BAD. Based on the previews I can't believe Singer got away (from that mall)! It looks like a major confrontation between Jack and Chase........
  4. Too bad I suck at forced perspective shots...........
  5. Whew. I almost saw Isamu's spoilers........... The third episode starts in fifteen mintues (West Coasters)...........
  6. I'd like to think that Kawamori is constantly pushing the envelope for the future of Macross. That's why I went with the Kawamori option, lets keep those VF variants coming.......Yamato needs to stay in business.
  7. You should check out the pinned topic at the top of this page. I think there were several mentions of the barrel roll.
  8. I'm sure the Hikaru's VF-1S will be the cream of the crop for some collectors. But personally I'd much rather have a VF-1J than a Roy v2.0 (NOW with upgrades). But if I had the extra $$$ I'd pick one up.......
  9. I got my copy from Play-Asia.com being a first time customer I was a bit aprehensive. But little to my suprise the package arrived (from Hong freaking Kong no less) in five days. I was definitely satisfied.
  10. I think in the comics it might have been a speakerbox. I guess that's what Takara is shooting for.......
  11. ......and with those teeth he's gotta have a great smile.
  12. Thanks for the vid and links guys.......now if they ever releasea Gundam Fix Figuration Dendrobium that'd be the GREATEST.
  13. Exaclty! I remember seeing the Blood DVD at Fry's Electronics (when I picked up a year ago), looking at the cover it seemed to recieve a TON of accolades. HA! You're not going to fool me again. After two (maybe three) viewings I quickly posted the DVD on E-Bay. It was too short.....but GREAT eye candy. I guess this is where Quentin Tarantino got HIS inspiration for the O-Ren Ishii flashback scene in KILL BILL.
  14. So? Is this the Hasbro or Takara version? Is this supposed to be the battle damaged or pristine (a.k.a BLING BLING) version? Are the smokestacks going to be circu..........UM. Are they going to be long or short? Looks GREAT. I can't wait.
  15. Excellent setup man......may I ask. How much did you get that VF-1S poster from? (wasn't that only available from the GOLD BOOK)
  16. I just hope the sculptor that made the Hasegawa YF-19 is still leading the project. I also agree, it's been a long time since we've heard any NEW news.
  17. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I was lucky enough to pick up a S-Rank on this stage, from what I remember I spent most of my time hitting the afterburners in Fighter Mode. Once I got within missile range I quickly transformed into Gerwalk and unloaded with AMM(?) payload. Don't forget about the various Fighters that're strafing you. Try to follow the same route and once you get to each ship destroy it ASAP (if you keep going back and forth between each ship you'll waste precious time).
  18. When I first started the game I wasn' t really much of a GERWALK junkie. But......now that I've perfected the art of low level manuevering it's my favorite mode. As much as I love Fighter Mode you just can't pull off the 180 degree moves (that are soooo important in this game) like you would with Gerwalk.
  19. Whew. I just unlocked Miria's VF-1J..........and there are STILL three more open slots. It's Hikaru, Max, and Roy's VF-1S'........right? To unlock Roy's VF-1S = Get a S Rank on every stage What about Hikaru and Roy's VF-1S??????????
  20. Very micro missile barrage. Great work Kishimoto.
  21. Very nice details with the thrust verniers.....I also think I've seen this somewhere before.
  22. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. The link is taking quite a long time to load. On a related side note.....have you seen any other reviews for CJM?
  23. For those of you that wanted to see the best (if you could call it that) part of the Iseki Stage. Here you go..........
  24. Exactly. You'd definitely lose precious milliseconds with the TV style controls......I'm voting for the DYRL style too.
  25. I've been working with students (mostly kindergarten) for the last three years. All jokes aside you son can STILL be saved (from the clutches of evil Queen Beryl)! I'd suggest showing him the MOST masculine Saturday morning cartoons (in Japan). BTW.....what're the popular cartoons in Japan these days?
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