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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Whoa! Excellent work man. I can't wait to see the finished pics.......
  2. Thanks for the update Keith! Since Uchuu Senkan Yamato is one of my favorite series' I'll kinda anxious where they'll take the series. What's up with the sudden split between Matsumoto and Nishizaki? I don't remember this kind of problem happening during the TV and Movie productions.
  3. Just in case you guys were wondering what pics Macrosso is referring to. I decided to get a quick snap shot of the back of the case, take a look at the shots of Misa and Minmay. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Personally. My guess is that they were never meant to be included in the actual game.
  4. Alright I just finished the NEW episode of 24. SPOILERS. Can anyone say Deer Hunter? I was expecting that black guy to start shouting DE DI MAO! It's unfortunate so many prison guards had to lose their life protecting Jack Bauer's beliefs. When it seems that things can't get any worse for Bauer. Now all the big wigs at CTU knows about his drug addiction.....YIKES! Things aren't going to well for El Presidente too. It was a good episode, but not as thrilling as the previous episodes......I'd give it a B.
  5. Well. Considering that the last VF-1 I unlocked was Miria's VF-1J. I guess you can say I've given up on getting 20 S ranks. I mean......it's not like you're getting the BEST of the BEST. You can still used the regular VF-1S and still get the same results. BTW. How many more S-Ranks before I unlock Hikaru or Max's VF-1S?
  6. That looks like a balikbayan box (where's my kababayans?)! I'm also gonna vote for the Max and Miria VF-1J's.
  7. Check out this Video Survey/Poll that Rhino put out. I guess the classic cartoon that gets the MOST votes will be released on DVD in the near future. Go HERE for the RHINO Video Survey. What do you want released?
  8. Has the smokestack mish mash been cleared up? I wonder what the final word will be? I just recieved my preorder confirmation from HLJ.com, I sure hope Takara is keeping the long smokestacks (as they should be). I wanna know where the extra $25 is going...........
  9. UN Spacy

    vf-1S heat shield

    Yup. If you want them to look as nice as the Hasegawa's you better be prepared to say goodbye to the beautiful Fighter Mode.
  10. I guess it depends on the kind of person you're showing it to. Personally.......if they like: COMEDY = Mushroom Samba ACTION = Pierrot la Fou SUSPENSE = Toys In The Attic DRAMA = Ballad of Fallen Angels (Part I) or Jupiter Jazz (Part I) ADVENTURE = Wild Horses
  11. Whoa. Did Kawamori have anything to do with these Valkryies? Are these VF-1 variants?
  12. I hope the final Binaltech Hound has military garb on it.
  13. Yup. I see a lot of us MW'ers are pimping da new Binaltech Smokescreens (myself included). But.......I'm probably gonna collect the Hasbro Alternators for the rest of the series. BTW.....is the RID Optimus in scale with the BT Smokescreen? (I believe Smokescreen is 1:24 scale)
  14. Exactly. I would definently pick up one of those Hikaru helmet/shoulder pad flight suits if the price was low enough. It's unfortunate that Yamato is selling the set for well over $1000 . Too bad Yamato.......if you made the price competitive you'd have a BIG SELLER on your hands. RECAST anyone?
  15. UN Spacy


    Correct me if I'm wrong (and I THINK I might be) but I think this Minmay figure was a BANPRESTO special edition. EDIT: D'OH.....I saw the Yellow Submarine info.
  16. Hey. Great minds think alike. You didn't see my earlier post?
  17. Thanks for the new links! Ugh....out of ALL the players they decide to use it's REAL MEDIA. Even with my DSL line the video came through like chop suey...... I can't WAIT though.........
  18. I'm not sure how much time this thread has left but....... Lynn Minmay, Misa, Milia, Mao, Sara, Mylene, and Ishtar > O-Ren Ishii
  19. MUST. HAVE. TRAILER. TO. COMPLETE. BEST. TOY. EVAR. (please forgive me Hory Froating Head and Yamato)
  20. I agree with mister e, the packaging looks horrendous (and an obvious FAKE). Takara will probably keep Convoy in truck mode, feature a window box/flap. Thier packaging will be GREATNESS.
  21. YUP. That was a GREAT SNL skit.......Christopher Walken > What about the role of Indiana Jones? They ORIGINALLY intended Tom Selleck to play the role of our favorite INDY. Since Tom had prior responsibilities to Magnum P.I they had to go for another person (keep in mind that Tom was the choice of Steven Spielberg). It was George Lucas that suggested Harrison Ford play the role (I wonder why? ). ...and on a related subject. Word has it that George Clooney is chasing the role of the BIG SCREEN version of Magnum P.I. Apparently it's the one role that he has always wanted to play.......
  22. Wow. Are they going to use the same transformation method for each robot? (i.e. head unit INSIDE the engine bay, doors behind shoulder, etc.)
  23. Honestly. Robotech: Battlecry was a LOT harder than Macross.........I think it took me about a week to finish the entire game. With Macross I finished the whole damned game in one sitting. Hey......apples and oranges. But. I think both games EXTRA's (espically with Macross' VF-1S') are kinda hard to unlock.
  24. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Where are the five points you mentioned? The hound looks damned good. Does anyone know if it's gonna have military decals (didn't the G1 Hound of military decals)? Is that Jeep's 2003 or 2004 model?
  25. UN Spacy

    vf-1S heat shield

    Welcome to the MW Forums AhBong. Based on the replies (and evidence) from fellow MW'ers I don't think we'll EVER get a definitive answer. This topic has been around the block time and time (and time and time) again. Personally I think it should be some kind of priviledge for ALL Squadron Leaders to adourn the BLACK heathshield (for their VF-1S). I guess it wasn't too hard for Yamato to decide......they made Hikaru's headshield red.
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