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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Ditto on the 1/60 Monster prototype. On a related topic. Do you guys know what that figure is in the top left hand corner with the SOLD OUT sign?
  2. Welcome to the best Transformer ever. But. How come this couldn't be posted in the huge 21 page thread about MP Convoy?
  3. But how do I make it magically appear out of nowhere when I transforming Prime? Looks great but does anyone know if Takara plans on making one (in the near future)?
  4. I think you new some kind of wide body mod the make the wheels look less "noticable".
  5. I've noticed that too over the last several months. Most of the e-tailers and E-Bay list their 1/48's at $125 or more, and if they're selling around $99.99 the shipping is usually very expensive. Jeez. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones......I got my Hikaru VF-1A for $120 and Focker VF-1S for $85 (both included shipping fees).
  6. Alright Graham. I'm convinced......put down the bottle of Yoshinol (or Tsingtao), take two steps back, and lock your fingers behind your head.
  7. Last season President Palmer offered Nina a plea bargin in exchange for information about the bomb. That's why she's free as a bird.
  8. I'd love to take another trip to the Metreon but I have work that day.
  9. Well. I was only six or seven years old when the Transformers originally aired on the local television stations. That stuck with me.......and I'm glad that MP Convoy took the title this year. Takara deserves it............
  10. Alright 24 fanatics. It's been almost a months since we've seen a new episode. Wow. Salazar was right about Jack.....he does have more lives than a cat. Although I still don't like where they're taking the President or Kim's storyline, nevertheless the meat of the story lies with Jack Bauer. SPOILERS. Now that our old friend Nina has joined the cast this double cross has just turned into the triple cross. (doesn't she look sessy with her long hair) I can't wait for next week's episode. It'll be the KISS of 2004. Poor Chase.
  11. Did they raise the price at BBTS? I pre-ordered for a lot less than the $108 they are asking for now. I'm sure this is common with many distributors selling the Masterpiece Convoy. When I ordered my MPC from toynk.com when it was $94.99 I just checked the price and they raised it $5.
  12. Hey Graham. I've always wondered how Yamato decides WHAT Macross merchandise is produced. Is it as simple as spin the bottle or pin a tail on the donkey? Do they usually listen to your feedback (and the other Macross fans domestically and internationally)? Who's the genius that decided to produce the VF-1 helmets? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a 1/48 VF-4 Thunderbolt. Does Yamato know how much $$$ they're passing up by NOT having that released.
  13. Yes. Ad naseum. I guess you missed the HUGE 19 page thread HERE.
  14. That's weird coming from someone that has a Fan Service AV. I can see why some old school fans Final Fantasy fans aren't too happy with the post FFVII games. Albeit it too much skin, feminine looking males, or cutesy J-Pop. I'm currently playing FFX and will probably pick up X-2 when it's on the Greatest Hits List.....I even think the theme song of X-2 is catchy.
  15. Yup. But we've known about this little puppy for more than a couple of months. It's very cool but also very, very, expensive. I don't see too many of these helmets and flight armor's selling. 158,000 Yen for the Helmet = $1,478.57 238,000 Yen for the Flight Suit = $2,227.21 Ouch.
  16. Honestly. Even if I had that much money to spend I'd rather use it for something else (like a 1:2 scale SDF-1).
  17. It's a great looking toy that CAN be played with by kids. But shouldn't because they're designed and geared towards that adult collectors that're eventually gonna pay for this. I don't see a ten year old kid saving up more than one hundred dollars to pick up a Yammie 1/48.
  18. You may be thinking of Drunken Master II, where she played Jackie Chan's stepmother. I remember her in that movie. Very sad to see such a talented actress pass away at such a young age.
  19. Anyone? The casing that stores the batteries to light up the matrix is a piece by itself. It's powered by two watch batteries and you don't have to pry anything open unless you need to change the batteries. It's also removable so you don't have to worry about damaging anything. I'm too lazy to get a picture of my own. So I borrowed this one from Remy's website..........
  20. That truely is a work of art. I'm amazed at the amount of detail he put into Kaneda's bike. From the glowing wheels, headlights, tachometer, leather seats, decals, etc. That's dedication for ya.......
  21. Wow. It makes your Yammies look like they were professionally displayed. Nice engraving job.
  22. I know there's a 1A variant somewhere out there. ....and the Kawamori house (does he have kids) is filled with em.
  23. Wow. I'm sure they'll release another AC before this one, it's like they release three or four AC games a year. But the same problems show up in the end. Does the AC series already have online capabilities? I wanna put my Network Adapter to good use.
  24. I noticed something weird on my MP Convoy. Are they ALL supposed to have an exposed right antenna (where you can see the silver screw)? Or was there a blue piece there to cover it up? EDIT: Never mind. I've been looking around online. They all have that exposed area.
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