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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Is this good enough? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...446-139-box.jpg
  2. oh ok i knew he was from office space but forgot about the bolton reference. now all we need is for him to flip out on chloe Just like this?
  3. Gimme the three bridge bunnies from SDF:M and DYRL anyday. Anyways, it's only for one day and it'd be one hell of a Valentine's date. Just imagine the possibilities.
  4. I see it putting pressure on BW to finally let Yamato deal with HG to release their DYRL? merchandise internationally. Edit: shoulda' read the next post. If that equals to cheap Yamato toys with Macross on the box.... then it equals to happy fans. Now... if that means Yamato toys with Robotech on the box.... then it equals to fans carrying pitch forks and torches. I wouldn't care if Yamato toys were sold at domestic prices, even if it did say Robotech on the box. Hell, I wouldn't care if it said Strawberry Shortcake. As long as the toy inside was the same as the Japanese versions. The only tox boxes I really dig are the old Taka/Bandai and the Hasegawa boxes. Yamato boxes are kinda dull and don't feature that groovy old skool art. Let's hope they don't neuter those head lasers, much like the way Hasbro destroyed Takara's long stacks.
  5. Asuka Bridge Bunnies FOUND. Now. I don't know what they're names are though.
  6. Do you guys know if the official R2 DVD has 5.1 Audio? My copy (FX version) only has 2.0 Dolby Digital, but (as Ali Sama stated) the video is as good as it gets.
  7. I picked up the official US release two weeks ago and noticed the second "glitch" (if you can call it that), but (as Panon mentioned) since they were hard matted you can't do anything about it. Personally. The video is a LOT cleaner than the previously released (Undiscovered Country) DVD. I also think Paramount did some work on the sound, and you can't go wrong with a true widescreen format. The French subtitles aren't working for me also. Oh well. It's not like I need em. I can't wait to see what Paramount does for TNG movie DVD's.
  8. DAMN. I guess Starscream is going to be an evil WRC (i.e. very close to something you'd see in The Fast and Furious). Starscream: "Thundercracker. I live my life a quarter mile at a time." ---------- Optimus Prime: "How did you obtain those ruby crystals of Burma." Megatron: "MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD PRIME." Ironhide (to Optimus): "Smoke him."
  9. IF I made it through Space War One I guess that'd be a part of the Macross timeline I'd most like to experience. It's gotta be stressful though, you're living inside a man made city on the verge of annihilation every single day. But, at least we have Minmay's singing to look foward to.
  10. That's what I've always wanted to know. From their robot modes it's kinda hard to make out their (Cybertronian) Vehicle modes (i.e. Optimus Prime, Prowl, etc.).
  11. .....and the SONY QRIO is the tip of the iceberg. IT'S IN REVELATIONS PEOPLE!
  12. I tell ya what. [/hankhill] It looks like that 1/60 VF-1J is sporting his bigger brother's hands. Does anyone else see it?
  13. According to tvguide.com Personally. This should have been in the works when The Simpsons were still funny (Season's 3 to . But it's still one of my favorite shows of all time. If they can get Conan O'Brien back on the production team I'll be happy.
  14. UN Spacy


    I guess it should look like this.....
  15. If there's any chance of something special happening (to commemorate the 20th anniversary of DYRL) Big West better get on it. From what I've heard in the Newbie thread DYRL was released (in Japan) on August 21, 1984. That's a mere six months away.......... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something GREAT.
  16. UN Spacy


    Can you give us a little more information about it? Where'd you buy it from? What's it made of? Are you going to use a liquid adhesive? Can you change Minmay's clothes?
  17. UN Spacy


    Please tell me you're using this for display purposes. Just kidding man. Can you post a picture of the lower part of the arm? I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard fit it back on.
  18. AHEM. I'm a VW loyalist so this pains me to say...... .....the CIVIC can never lose. Once you go rice, you can't beat the price.
  19. I can't wait to see the finished VF-4 in all her GLORY. Keep it up Mighty G!
  20. I hope we'll see a montage of the Macross Zero beauties in the near future. Mao, Sara, Aries, Nora, and the Asuka BRIDGE BUNNIES!
  21. At the end of tonight's episode it felt like a rerun of the Mowry show. TONIGHT ON 24. "WHO'S THE BABY'S DADDY?" I hope they finally put Nina Meyers behind them. It's time to put this one trick pony to rest.....permanently. EDIT: I almost forgot. How can I forget the BEST cameo of the season. It's Michael Bolton!
  22. You really can't go wrong with these games. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Super Smash Bros. Melee Metroid Prime Animal Crossing Mario Kart: Double Dash
  23. Sorry to rag on that bootleg but it looks like it's sporting one of those G1 Transformers rub off insignia's.
  24. Jeez. That's all the the shelf space for Yamato's Macross Valkyries. A couple of 1/48 VF-1A Max's. It also looks like someone's gone through that Gundam Dendrobium.
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