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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. You're both right guys. But Daishi3500 was the first to answer correctly. You're up to bat Daishi!
  2. UN Spacy

    Got Money?

    I'd spend it on da 1:48 Super and Strike Fast Pack kits. Sure, you don't have enough for the Valkyrie. But it'll be incentive to save up more money and have the BEST VF-1 out there.
  3. Come on MW'ers I'm running out of questions (and I KNOW they're not that hard). Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. For my third (and hopefully not unanswered) question. Name TWO of the beers that Misato Katsuragi drank in Neon Genesis Evangelion? 1. 2.
  4. Wow! Is there anything that LEGO's can't make? (no real woman answers you sickos) Neat. There's even a mini Batou chilling inside. BTW. Have they shown Episodes 3 and 4 in Japan?
  5. Well. I guess 24 hours passed my last question so here's another one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. During the second Space Cruiser Yamato movie (I think it's Arrivaderci Yamato). What appears on the bridge just before Susumu and Yuki take the Yamato on their suicide mission?
  6. Is it me or do a lot of wrestlers have a hard time after their limelight in the squared circle? Brutus Beefcake, Lex Luger (and his mishap with the late Miss Elizabeth, etc. To recap on Thursday night's Smackdown. With WM XX around the corner I guess they've decided to make Kurt Angle turn face. He's (once again) a bad guy and attacked the NEW WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero (during his match with Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero). Lesnar is well on his way to his match with Golderberg (at WM XX). What a pathetic mic performance begging to Vinnie Mac. Speaking of Vinnie Mac. Do you guys know if he has anything special planned for WM XX?
  7. Let's not forget that the Sith Lord is a huge Macross 7 fan.
  8. I wonder where he's going with that last remark. I don't think that his explanation can be that simple. I can't wait for da AX04 when everything (in terms of RT fans) will come to pass.
  9. There was one MW'er from the old forums that made a series of Macross Zero AVATAR's. I think it was treatment that made em (please correct me if I'm wrong). Here's a sample.
  10. Once again.....this is simply amazing. Hey ansazi? Did it take you a while to figure out where to place the Minmay Guard decals on the Strike Cannon and Fast Pack? Great choice with the decals on the missile sets. Are you planning to do anymore customs for MW'ers in the future?
  11. Maybe the producers of the next Final Fantasy movie should give the lead characters a "meterosexual" feel to them. I think the character designs for Advent Children look just fine, from what I've seen in the trailer it looks like they tried to go for a touch of realism. One question. Where's Tifa?
  12. Is it true that she wasn't getting much traffic because she was charging AE fans ($) for her autograph?
  13. I'm glad to be the first person to (once again) bowdown to your godlike skills. Your custom decal sets are truely a work of genius. MW is sure glad to have Valkyrie customizers like you. I'll definitely be waiting for Gerwalk and Battroid (Strike) pics. You da man Anasazi37! BTW....how much time do you have to put aside for these "commissioned" customs?
  14. I'm suprised you SoCal MW'ers haven't pursued her towards making an apperance at one of the yearly MW Cons. I'll tell ya what......if she makes an apperance I'll head down to Southern California myself (and I think Agent One might wanna go too - Hahahahaha).
  15. Updated as of 6/21/04 The Official Square-Enix site. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dvd/ff7ac/
  16. One of the Urusei Yatsura OAV's featured an animal that could fire a deadly treat from it's nose. What was that deadly treat? BONUS QUESTION: Who was the character that tried to kill it (unsucessfully )?
  17. Cliffnotes? Does this mean we're getting close (or farther) from BW releasing Macross in the US?
  18. Anything in particular that you're looking for? In case of Japanese films I've just seen The Returner (I think we were talking about it at the City Beach Meet) and Versus. I'm thinking about picking up Battle Royale, Shiri, and Ichi the Killer next.
  19. BTW....who's the person at Hasegawa that's drawing these box art covers? I've seen most of the covers for the VF-1 line and they're always breathtaking.
  20. UN Spacy

    1/48 valk

    The funny thing is that I haven't seen a Yamato selling on E-Bay for $100 (or less) for a couple of months. Is it just more or has the average price of Yamato's 1/48's gone up in the last couple of months. Still....prices aside you're never going to find a better Valkyrie (unless Bandai pulls something magical out of their arse).
  21. How long has this game been out overseas? SEGA sure knows how to make purddy wimmenz. It looks like they've been taking lessons from the DOA and Final Fantasy chicks. The game looks like a GREAT rental.
  22. *gasp* Fullscreen heathen! Actually, it's not even that simple anymore. T3 was shot in a format (I forget which it was called) that actually gets matted to create the theatrical ratio. THat's why the "Fullscreen" version, which was unmatted, actually had more image than the widescreen version. People that like watching Full Screen DVD's might as well cover half of their face while watching the movie. With Full Screen you're already missing so much of the movie it's ridiculous.
  23. I guess he must be busy with his store (or something to that extent). I always enjoy his pages upon pages of anime goodness. Has anyone heard from Noel? MODS - I'm not sure which Forum this should go in. I figured this one would be my best bet. EDIT: Oh crap. I just saw Kai's Thread about the Wonderfest. I also saw Graham's comment about Noel. As Homer Simpson would say....D'OH! Good ahead and lock this sucker.
  24. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. The only times I got scrambled video is because the file wasn't completely transfered. Are you sure you got the entire file? I'm also running ANBU-ONE's version of Macross Zero: Volume Three on my Real Audio player and it works GREAT (ditto for DIVX).
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