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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Maybe the VF-1A Head Lasers have the ability to telescope just before the landing gear is deployed.
  2. Has anyone else seen the 3rd episode? That was an interesting stand alone episode, I guess you could call it Section 9's take on Oceans 11. I love the new intro and I hear a couple of Cowboy Bebop-ish guitar licks in there.
  3. Now THIS is something I don't think I've ever seen on da MW Forums. An animated gif that previews your scratch built GBP 1:48 Armor. As Darth Vader would say, "Impressive. Most impressive."
  4. Finally. As Steven Spielberg said. "It's a clean sweep." D'oh. They screwed gave da best actor Oscar to Jeff Spicoli.....I mean Sean Penn. My honey Angelina Jolie sure looked good. Now. I'll just wait for Peter Jackson to release the final DVD boxset for LOTR and I'll be set.
  5. Ugh. Hey Limbo.....Spidey doesn't look too menacing lying on that chair. Hehehehe. It looks like he's taking a lamase (sp) class.
  6. Darn. I was just at Wal Mart five minutes ago, I guess I'll have to pass by Target and put my Gift Card to use. Are they going to make a Black Alien Symbiote Variant? $20 is quite a steal.
  7. Well. I just got rid of ALL of my 1/60's and 1/72's. I'm staying with the 1/48 line because the possibilities are endless (although kinda expensive ).
  8. Yup. All I see in the last picture are Saucer section and nacelles from the Constitution Class USS Enterprise's (pre-refit).
  9. I hope godmedia sees this thread. I've been looking around E-Bay and came upon a couple of her LP auctions. This one intrigued me seeing as this LP has a bunch of Macross songs but (from the cover apperance) it doesn't seem like a Macross related record. Her "Variee" Album SIDE 1 1GRUM NO SHIAWASE / BLUEBERRY JAM / CINDELELLA / MARINE / AI. OBOETEIMASUKA SIDE 2 MR.GROOVY! / MY BEST FRIEND / MARCY DEERFIELD / SECRET TIME / MELODY / TENSHI NO ENOGU Do you guys know if these versions are different?
  10. While we're on the subject of Batman. Did you guys know that Yamato released a line of Batman figures overseas? Is anyone on the MW Forums gonna get these? That Batman sculpt kicks ass.
  11. How about a little John Woo-ish action?
  12. I just picked up this DVD a couple of week ago (along with Versus). It turned out to be a decent film but nothing memorable since The Matrix came out. I ended up liking Vesus a lot more.
  13. But Pearl Harbor was garbage (..the movie not the actual event). I'd rather say that it's more akin to Saving Private Ryan. Ah.....that feels a lot better. Well. Now that I think about it Pearl Harbor DID have a love triangle. D'oh.
  14. That's what I'm trying to figure out myself. It looks like they're just put together for display purposes, and personally I think they're all kind of.....unattractive.
  15. Welcome to the MW Forums MechASsemble. Slow new Macross quarter? I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to get across. Egan Loo?
  16. UN Spacy

    1/48 val

    The 1/48 boxes are 14.5 inches (from top to bottom) x 14 inches (from left to right) x 6 inches (from front to back).
  17. UN Spacy


    Well. I guess they've already made it to E-Bay. Check out the assorted Q-Rau auctions HERE.
  18. Here's something that we'll never see Yamato do. Wow! The full might of the VErmillion Squadron. Kicking ass and taking names. GREAT work. I can't wait to see what you have planned next.
  19. Did you miss the preview for next episode? She ain't going down without dragging everyone with her. Speaking of next episode.... We have to wait for March 30th for another episode? Oh well. I guess I can rewatch the 2nd Season on DVD to feed my 24 hunger.
  20. We're back with another new episode tonight. I like how Ryan and Jack are finally working well together. That bitch Sherry is finally getting what's coming to her. "When he comes to, you do it again." (as you can probably tell I'm watching the Amador intergation right now) EDIT: Poor, poor Gaelle. Right in da face.
  21. Thanks for da pictures Anubis. I definitely like what they've done with the entry plugs, if they're going for the realistic approach then they've definitely got it down. I wonder if they're still going to be filled with LCL.
  22. Considering it's in the size range of a 1:60 the most I'd pay is $40 MAX.
  23. UN Spacy


    I think it looks just great guys. Great pencils by Albert and coloring by Rico.
  24. After seeing all the insanely cool customs in the Model & Toy Forum I'm suprised we didn't have one earlier. I think it's a GREAT idea Graham!
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