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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Nope. In fact through Austin's whole ten minute apperance on Smackdown he didn't say a single line of dialogue. He just drove onto the ramp, gave most of the Smackdown crew the staredown, exchanged sloppy blows (no pun intended) with Lesnar, drank a few beers and left.
  2. So that means they've released the entire set of Directors Cut DVD's?
  3. Thanks to the mods I think the Forums haven't been as some of the mud slinging I've seen on the old MW Forums.
  4. What about these figures? Are they gonna be as large as Gashapons too? http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?ALP33166
  5. It's too bad no one's gonna make action figures based off the SAC series. I'd buy the entire set if they sold for a good price. What about THESE figures? It says that they're Gashapons too. Are you gonna pick those figures up Myriad?
  6. Exactly. Look at the SIZE of that head lazer.
  7. Episode 4 - "Jungle" should be out late May/early June.
  8. Nice find A1. I wonder if it still gets it's ass kicked by Decepticon thugs. Very interesting read also.
  9. If McFarlane released CB figures I'd pick up every damn one of em. I hope it isn't a recast of that crappy Faye bust I've seen on E-Bay (with all the poker chips at the bottom). EDIT. Pics work fine.
  10. Yes. Nora looks quite the hotness and the animation seems a lot better (not that anything was wrong with the first three episodes...they were also superb). I hope that explosion isn't D.D's SV-51.
  11. It's an interesting premise that was already covered in several films. Some of the story also reminds me of one of the segments in The Animatrix. I can hear it now. Humans, old and busted. Robots, new hotness.
  12. PLACE YOUR BETS NOW! I remember that show......quite a poor attempt to capture the Japanese game show feel. Extreme Elimnation Challenge (is that what it's called) > Banzai From what I remember Banzai aired after The Simpsons (on FOX) a couple of months ago.
  13. Update. Thanks to Neova I'm finally getting a third 1/48 (Hikky's VF-1J w/o FP).
  14. Anyone else get the free Hellboy sneak preview DVD at Best Buy?
  15. Cover of the new Star Wars Insider. A new Sith? Maybe someone from the Droid Army?
  16. Some of these pics give an insight as to how Anakin Skywalker turned into the evil Sith Lord (no....not our very own Sith Lords of MW) Darth Vader. Just to warn you. I know some MW'ers hate SPOILERS so do NOT go any farther (if you don't wanna ruin it). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  17. IMHO I always thought that people in Japan though of Space Cruiser Yamato as the Star Trek of Japan. Someone in there you have the classic formula but with a different crew. D'oh.....you're right Classic Formula with different technology does sound more Macross than Uchuu Senkan Yamato.
  18. Hey.....I got dibs on the kilo. APU also posted the same thread in the WANTED Forum (and I responded about an hour and a half ago).
  19. Since I don't plan on picking up the SDF:M DVD's I don't really need one of the Keepcases. They sure look DAMN SWEET though, and I don't think my Robotech DVD's (Macross Saga) really belong in them.
  20. It looks like you're progressing with this program fairly well. Pretty smooth considering it's only your first animation. Keep up the good work Knight.
  21. "What it won't do is turn you into a Borg, the gadget-happy gladiators of "Star Trek" fame." Darn. I was looking foward to running through the streets screaming RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. EDIT: Welcome to the MW Forums SupremeKaioshin.
  22. UN Spacy

    K&M pics (?)

    Whoa! I can't wait to see the excellent diorama's that're sure to come. Thanks for the pics ewilen.
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