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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. RIP Gayel. I wonder what's gonna happen to Ryan Chappelle next week. Anyone else think MI:6 was wiped out a little too easily? .....and don't you love it when the bomb is timed to go off right before Jack gets to remove the hard drive. Oh........so suspenseful. ......and the suicide pill scene made me .
  2. UN Spacy

    Max VF-1S

    If I didn't already own a VF-1S I still don't think I'd pick one up (that's because I'd get Hikaru's over Roy's and Max's). BUT. If I had a 1/60 Queadlunn Rau then I'd probably pick up Max's VF-1S.
  3. If you're looking for a Leiji Matsumoto-type space opera (with comedy...which is rare for a Matsumoto series) then check out The Galaxy Railways.
  4. I remember Noel posted a couple of photo's from Wondercon 2003 (I think it was WC 2003). He was lucky enough to even get a picture with the Hory Froating Head. But, I remember seeing one or two photos of Kawamori holding a SV-51 made out of LEGO's. Now....if I could only find Noel's (Blackaces) home page.
  5. Now. If they'd only get started on the symbiote suit (possibly the storyline for the 3rd Spiderman movie).
  6. Are you talking about the Samus from Nintendo's METROID series? That's one hot babe.
  7. Macrossworld is the #1 place to go for Macross related information. You can tell that little comic book (or sci fi) guy to stop toking up at work.
  8. I also have the first Homeworld and HW: Cataclysm somewhere in my room. I never got a chance to play Homeworld 2, I'll reinstall HW in a couple of days. So....like LordSixx metioned....did the new mod get rid of the bugs during story mode? All I need is the 1.3 version patch.....right?
  9. I think it would take care of a lot of the smaller Gen 1 (or similar) Transformers (i.e. Gears, Wheelie, Cliffjumper, or Arcee). It'd be nice if they could be sold as a two pack. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Would Wheelie be a dirtbike?
  10. To those MW'ers that were looking for a fan made trailer. There's a couple of auctions on E-Bay. Check it out....it's pretty sweet (too bad you can't fill em with yer Binaltechs). 1 2 (There's a little more than a day left.)
  11. Here's a nice scan of a resin kit from the MW homepage.
  12. Cool pics. But how come I get the strange feeling he's gonna take off most of his clothes and start running around with a chainsaw.
  13. Welcome to the MW Forums vf1j4me. That's a coincidence because my last Yamato was also a 1/48 VF-1J. At the moment it'd be out of my budget to pick up the Max and Miria Super VF-1J's. So, I decided to pick up the latest in the Binaltech series (Streak and Hound). But.....I'm also in the market for the new Rau. Like many other MW'ers said....it'll give us more time to save up for the rest of the Macross goodness coming later this year.
  14. I wonder if there are any more shirts from the last MW Con. There were a couple of MW'ers that got together last year and made some excellent ones. Speaking of which.....when is the next MW Con supposed to be?
  15. I know it's still crappy...any idea how to add shadow?
  16. I'm just saying that I have almost zero drawing talent, and I had to use this master copy to start it up.
  17. www.gamefaqs.com Oh.....I always thought Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, Soul Blade (or is that Soul Calibur), and NFL 2K1 were GREAT Dreamcast games.
  18. I know this isn't a Macross art piece. But I had some time to kill at work and decided to doodle a little. Can you tell who this is? EDIT: Obviously it's a work in progress.
  19. UN Spacy


    If you really need the money then by all means let it go (at least sell it to a MW'er so you'll know it's going to a good home). But, you've got to consider how much you'll end up getting for your "prized posession". Once all is said and gone are you gonna be comfortable? BTW.....what is it?
  20. UN Spacy

    CF VF-1A

    You deserve the rest! Great pictures! Another quality piece of work. How's your 1/48 GBP Armor coming along?
  21. This was the only thread I could find (within the last 90 days) with Megaroad in the title. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...479&hl=megaroad Someone also posted a great site for Megaroad pics. http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/megaroad.shtml
  22. I really don't wanna register just to see two pictures (hey....it's a Friday so I can afford to be a little lazy). Oh....BTW.
  23. Anyone on MW have that fan made Revival of Evangelion photoshop? It had pictures of Asuka, Rei, and Shinji (wearing Misato's cross) all grown up. When I saw that a couple of years ago I was almost convinced......... Now THAT was a good photoCHOP.
  24. I'm checking my Hikaru VF-1J and it's also has the new pilot sculpt (i.e. different from the Hikaru 1A, Max 1A, and Roy 1S) with flight stick in hand. Thanks for the pics 柿崎速雄.
  25. I'm also going to wait for some reviews because my VHS collection needs to be retired.
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