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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Now that is a blast from the past. Yup....the only sites that charge for monthly fees are MMORPG's. I hope the next Macross game incorporates a MMORPG DYRL style levels.
  2. Welcome to the MW Forums cmhougton. I know this isn't the greatest of pics. But you definitely get the idea.....and RichterX's was pretty darn close.
  3. UN Spacy

    Minmay Guard Picture

    This one? The one placed on the FP Leg Armor?
  4. Tenshi No Enogu definitely does it for me. EDIT: We also have a 15th and 20th Anniversary variations of this song. So you know it's a personal favorite for Mari Iijima as well (seeing how she wrote the lyrics and sung the song). But Ai Oboete Imasu Ka runs a very, very, very close second. -Voices (M+) -Deja Vu (M2) -and the piano version of Runner on the PS2 Macross game is sooooo good.
  5. Ah.....I think there's Bud (Michael Madson). But from what I've seen in the trailer he doesn't do too much fighting.
  6. I hope they come up with BIG TV-style hands with the DYRL mold.
  7. Dude, is your sig in reference to William Hung!? IE the She Bangs guy. My GF knows him, they are in the same department at Berkeley. No way. Small world eh? I was in Berkeley (near Telegraph Ave.) right after the A's game. Such an interesting bunch of folks.....a GREAT college town. Plenty of cute looking girls walking to and from campus. BTW.....we're only a week away from Volume 2. If you haven't seen the NEW trailer then check it out here. http://www.apple.com/trailers/miramax/kill...ume_II/trailer/
  8. Quick one? RIP Gayel. Even more people in the hotel are dying. Mastermind behind the virus is one of Jack's old wartime buddies. Jack and Chase end up at MI:6 (L.A Division) and get ambushed by Sommers helicopter. They acquire the hard drive (with vital information) and take it back to CTU headquarters. Sommers wants Ryan Chappelle killed. Kim nees a haircut. The President is now Sommer's biatch.
  9. Whoa. Very cool image. Say hello to my new wallpaper. Are there anmore photo's like this Dr. Gonzo?
  10. Would you be willing to sell it to a fellow MW'er?
  11. I might pick it up tomorrow.......Fry's Electronics has it for $39.99 (or I could go to Best Buy and price match em). It's too bad RE:O doesn't work with the Sony Headset. At least I'll get more play out of my Network Adapter. Hey Druna Skass.....do you play Madden 2004 or SOCOM II?
  12. Excellent penciling. That's better than anything I could come up with....but the HEAD module seems a bit too small. Anyone else think so?
  13. Whoa....it's cool that you chose a Flashback 2012 theme (because everyone else is sof focused on Zero). That's be even cooler if you could add the Megaroad in the background (possibly behind the VF-4). Cool stuff TWDC!
  14. Let's all chip in and buy the Hory Froating Head a big ol' bottle of Yoshinol. Does anyone else think Mari Iijima gave him a special present?
  15. I wonder if there are any more shirts from the last MW Con. There were a couple of MW'ers that got together last year and made some excellent ones. Speaking of which.....when is the next MW Con supposed to be? I think it would be cool to have MW Chapter (or Squadron?) tshirts, e.g. MW Bay Area, MW SoCal, MW SE Asia, MW Europa, etc. Then, use some of the proceeds to help support the website. Hell, I'd love to buy other chapter/squadrons' tshirts just for the novelty. I'd definitely support the squadron idea. Hey EXO. Have you been in touch with Binarybeing? I'm sure there are a couple of Bay Area MW'ers that'd get in on this. Count me in.
  16. Happy 25th Birthday to the entire staff that brought us the juggernaut that is GUNDAM. May you continue to have great success overseas and abroad. Now.....get started on a PG Dendrobium.
  17. He's only 43? Wow....I guess Yoshinol keeps you looking young and healthy. Happy belated birthday Hory Froating Head. May you life be filled with years of FIYA!
  18. Any shots of it in Fighter and/or Gerwalk Mode? Wow......that'd look even better next to a plethora of Scout Pods.
  19. UN Spacy

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    That's a great looking custom you've made there, some of the BEST camo I've ever seen. WOW....it reminds me if a metal gear sold type camo. What's next?
  20. huh? what was that for? He's got the Minmay doll. THE MINMAY DOLL Most of us don't. Yup. I never got one.
  21. Now that is a blast from the past......I guess I joined sometime after December 2000.
  22. But everything is within ten minutes if you're in LA (and you're da man Jack Bauer). Heck....Jack even got a free peep show. It's too bad she got taken out by the gunfire.
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