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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. If that's the case I'd like to finish up my Cowboy Bebop question. Alright. What was the name of the TV show (from FOX) that was parodied on Cowboy Bebop (in If Wishes were Horses)?
  2. Time for VF19 to come up with a new question. Damn....and I have a really good Cowboy Bebop question too.
  3. For Kill Bill? Hmmmmmmmmmm. I think the only movies I've waited in line for (at least an hour or more) were truly worth it (never overnight....that's just fanboy loser-ish).
  4. Welcome to the MW Forums Metal_Massacre_79! Got my coordinates. Latitude: N 37 35 44 Longitude: W 122 1 5
  5. Was that guy in the first one? You can see a couple of his scenes in the original Volume 1 trailer (you can't miss him....he's the only black dude doing kung fu). Anyone catch Uma Thurman on Conan O'Brien last night (kekekekekeke)? QT is supposed to be on tonight.
  6. Sorry to go off topic....but has anyone used their micro missles in a diorama? I'm sure there are other uses besides keeping them stationary (inside the Fast Pack missile compartments).
  7. I've never collected art cels before, it seems a little expensive for something so simple. But hey.....different strokes for different folks. But I've seen a couple of Macross art cels on the Mandrake (sp?) website.
  8. That'd be interesting if the movie came BEFORE the tv series. Just imagine how much better that'd be........better animation, higher production values, etc. It'd be along the lines of.... Ghost In The Shell -> Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Ninja Scroll: The Movie -> Ninja Scroll: The Series Are there anymore anime series that started off with a theatrical release (then went into a tv series soon after)?
  9. I'd like to give it 6 out of 5 stars but it wasn't colored. I can't even remember the last time I've seen a Claudia art piece. Great work BoB!
  10. You don't like Kicker? Now, if they only get started on a Spike, Sparkplug, and Chip Chase figure I'd be SET.
  11. After their disasterous breaking up (again) after their last apperance on WWE. I doubt they'll ever come back INTO the squared circle. Isn't Hall and Nash in another league? What ever happend to Hogan? Aren't Jeff Jared, Sting, Steiners, etc. all in another league? Any news on former Smackdown GM Heyman?
  12. Well....it's only two days away. Is anyone going to catch a Sneak Preview? It also looks like they cut out Michael Jai White's (the black dude) scenes all together.
  13. UN Spacy

    Red VF-19A

    It has an Anti-UN color scheme to it.....very nice work!
  14. It did have a bit of Tusken Raider / Chewie mixed in there.
  15. Cool custom guppy! I like how the color scheme on the nose flows all the way towards the backpack hinge. It's too bad your a:60 doesn't support Fast Packs (and we all know Yamato abandoned the 1/60 FP upgrades).
  16. Are these the Japanese ones? Hound and Silverstreak are out? Whut? Vic ONE of them is not a Binaltech. Can you guess which one it is? I just picked up Streak and Hound last week. The Alternator versions won't be out for another month or two.
  17. I think this one (like previous MW'ers stated) is supposed to take place before the very first Metal Gear Solid (for the NES). I thought the guards were supposed to get smarter with every new MGS installment. I don't care if you're a rent a cop patroling the local parking lot. How hard can it be to spot somebody wearing ALL CAMO (when you're that close)? ...and the guard running away from the faux alligator head. Yikes. But I'm still gonna pick this one up......
  18. Thanks for the heads up Solscud, Costco already takes enough of my money. But, that price is too good to pass up for an all region DVD player. You also can't go wrong with the cheap cafe. A huge polish dog and a drink for under $2.00 .
  19. Where does she store the gunpod? More excellent valk girls from bake art. I can't wait to see a colored version.......
  20. Over $300 for a pair of busted looking Nike Shox? I can see why they were limited to 450 pieces, only hard core Gundam fans would sport these FUGLY shoes.
  21. Do you guys know if the Sinister Six was a huge story arc of the Spiderman comic? Do you think that'd make for an interesting movie? Or would it be too much overkill.
  22. Go HERE for the vid (Quicktime required). Be afraid. Be very afraid. I know it's CG but one can dream can't they.
  23. Too add upon SupremeKaioshin's original post. It seems that Palisades is also releasing an Ultra Magnus (clearly a Prime repaint) and Lazerbeak piece. Thanks to www.tfw2005.com
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