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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Kick dat mule to the curb and get with da Laughing Man HERE.
  2. The 8th episode is up (LMF). Another great individual episode.....the Eleven Individuals Case > The Laughing Man Case (but they're both great in their own way).
  3. Yup. I didn't change my user name this time around. How about you? Were you also VortexVFX on the old forums?
  4. That looks pretty damn nice......and it also looks like she's giving me da F YOU arm gesture. Nice legs.
  5. Welcome to the MW Forums VortexVFX. Check out this thread for all the Tranformers Alternator/Binaltech line http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=4789 As far as I know BT-05 will be Tracks/Corvette C5, BT-06 Dead End/Viper repaint, BT-07 Meister/RX-8 (?)
  6. Not really. I make my own money and pretty damned good at budgeting it. It's not like I'm picking up EVERY piece of Macross merchandise or buying ten extra 1:48's (cough GODZILLA cough).
  7. Whoa. Where'd you find that fan art Ali Sama?
  8. What the hell was Tera Patrick promoting? I met her back in 2001 at the AVN convention.....sweet gal.
  9. Whoa. They're releasing the GITS: Stand Alone Complex game here in the States? Cool.
  10. Thanks for da pics EXO. I've attend CES, AVN ( ), CONS, etc. But the E3 still alludes me.........I wish I was in the biz.
  11. Welcome to the MW Forums almighty Locutus. Hehehehehehe. I'm probably one of the largest Trek fans on these boards. It saddens me to see that this MIGHT be the last series we'll see in a LONG time. Oversaturation has hurt ALL THINGS TREK during the last ten years. Yes, it started with TNG and DS9 running at the same time. This disappoints me because the third season of Enterprise has been some of the strongest writing I've seen (since the mid seasons of DS9). The whole Xindi arc has been forcefully put upon us, but I'm glad Manny Coto, Mike Sussman, Berman, and even Braga have taken the series in this direction. I always liked the idea of a season long story arcs, even the continuity has been mostly airtight. Now that we're close to the end I'll be upset (but understanding) if Paramount/VIACOM pulls the plug. But. I really want them to make a fourth season......here's hoping.
  12. BTW....anyone catch Enterprise last night? They're two episodes away from the Season Finale (possibly the entire series too)..........great episode.
  13. When I first saw those new CM series I thought they messed up on Roy's size. Jeez.....I guess not. Roy truely is a tall drink of Yoshinol.
  14. Whoa. Drugs are bad for you mmmmmmmmkay. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. Hell yeah....espically with that jiggle jiggle. Hahahahaha.
  15. If anyone is interested in the LAST TEN minutes (i.e. best part) of last night's 24 you can find it HERE. (right click save as) But....I was able to download it (under 100 MB's) within several minutes. Be quick about it....I don't know how much longer this site is gonna host it.
  16. DVD should be released overseas by the end of May. Expect fansubs by early June.
  17. THAT was a great battle. I'm also pretty sad that Yamato 2520 only lasted about two episodes. Back to the battle......thousands of ships. The Earth fleets unleashing relentless shock gun fire and the alien fighters (with a very interesting horseshoe design) performing suicide runs. Wow.....I wish I didn't record over the Yamato 2520 preview. Some of Syd Mead's GREATEST designs (and that's not saying much). I WANT THIS in SOP form.
  18. There have been countless space battles on the television and movie screen. Whether it be a group of rag tag Rebel fighters flying towards the Death Star or a young lad piloting the Last Starfighter. What are you favorite space battles? Me? 1. The Battle of Endor (ROTJ) 2. Mutara Nebula (TWOK) 3. Colony Drop Scene (Gundam 0083) 4. Minmay singing during the final battle (DYRL) 5. See below
  19. OMG what a great ending! I wonder how much it cost FOX to showcase those sexy F-18's. Everything is starting to come to a close. With only two episodes left I wonder how they're gonna end this season of 24. NEXT WEEK: How far will Jack go?
  20. I think it was something about SEGA working with the producers of THE MATRIX video games. They're going to work together to produce another MATRIX game that's online.
  21. Just in case you guys didn't hear about this. My other HORY FROATING HEAD (of video games) Shigeru Mikimoto appeared at Nintendo's E3 conference sporting THIS. What a great mind that has given us tons of smiles.
  22. Tons of Nintendo coverage at their official site HERE. Here's the DS.
  23. Here's a link ( ) to the NEW Zelda game (possibly the last on the Gamecube). Video HERE (Quicktime required). The Nintendo DS also made it's grand apperance. I can't wait. Zelda rules!
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