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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. You can't go wrong with more shots of Yammie goodness. I wish Yellow Submarine released an all scaled Trek series.
  2. I thought Episode III was supposed to be "The Creeping Fear"? Eh.....the prequels haven't been all too great anyways and Birth of the Empire sounds a LOT better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one.
  3. I'm still waiting for my shipment from HLJ.com.......(ordered the first three regular figures).
  4. Look outside the window, people are dancing in the streets celebrating. So memorable.
  5. Lemme find that link for Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise song.
  6. Holy shiet. Great ending so close to the Season Finale.........like many MW'ers have said before. THE BITCH IS DEAD (where's the party at?)! How many vials were they able to neutralize? 4 of the 11? Too bad about Tony's situation......it's weird how Jack was recalling everything he did in Season One (and how he got OFF DA HOOK). But in Tony's case he get's prision time. I can't wait for the ending next week.
  7. I also prefer Enterprise's cast over Voyager's. Archer > Janeway T'Pol > Chakotay Trip > Torres Reed > Tuvok Hoshi > Harry Mayweather < Paris Phlox < EMH Porthos > Jar-Jar (wait.......huh?)
  8. I totally agree with you there. I was born on raised on the exploits of Captain Picard and "his" Enterprise, I barely followed it during the first and second season. But, buy the time the third season came around I was HOOKED. I guess you could say it was the same way for me concerning DS9. Once Commander Sisko obtained the Defiant (plus the addition of Worf) and by the time the Dominion War came around I was HOOKED. I'm sorry to say that Voyager is the LEAST favorite of the new Trek series'. Say what you guys will about Enterprise, but it's got an interesting story that's kept me interested (espically this season). From what I've heard Season 4 is going to utilize mini-arcs. Hopefully (knock on wood) this will lead to a Birth of the Federation movie in several years.
  9. Why is your VF-1J sticking out it's nosecone like that? It looks like it's overcompensating for the lack of something else.
  10. As we're nearing the 20th word has it that UPN has indeed renewed Enterprise for a 4th Season (taken from saveenterprise.com ).
  11. If they ever release a Hummer it'd better be Ironhide. Trailblazer better be that Dodge Ram SR-10 everyone's talking about.
  12. Whoa......it looks like Yamato is going to run a train on my wallet. Yikes. Any news about Kaneda's bike? Is it going to be mostly diecast? I'm sure it'll be better than the stuff McFarlane released.
  13. Are you gonna transform it?
  14. I'm still hoping for a reteaming of Schwarzenegger, Arnold, Curtis, DUSHKU, and James Cameron for a True Lies sequel. How about Commando 2 (a grown up Alyssa Milano......yum)? Terminator 4?
  15. Personally, I liked the first film and hopefully this one will be even better. Nice to see more characters from the actual video game too. Jill Valentine looks HOT. Check it out HERE.
  16. Girl on right: "Bleh. What were we thinking? Look at all these pencil necked geeks." Girl on left: "Shut up and just act pretty."
  17. Unicron is pleased (j/k). Great find Solscud.....I've also heard from the TF boards that 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime is also on sale.
  18. UN Spacy

    My collection

    I love your 1:48's Armor. Have they ever fallen off the stand when you're bumping music?
  19. I went with the best quality stuff........items that are must haves. The jaw dropping make your friends jealous that would look GREAT in a display case kinda collection. For example.......when I first saw the 1:48 Hikaru = MUST HAVE. Masterpiece Convoy = MUST HAVE 1:3000 SDF-1 = MUST HAVE (hehehehehehe).
  20. Alright....I just got back from a two and a half hour MEH fest. They just HAD to give Paris a bow and arrows..... . Such a beautiful cast.....it just sucks when the guys are prettier than the girls (Helen was a HOTTIE though). How long did it really take for Troy to fall? From the movie it seemed like it fell within two weeks. I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10.
  21. I'm going to see it in an hour or so......I'll edit my post when I get back home. Here's hoping it'll be as good as Gladiator.
  22. Hey NOW! Great pics wolf x. Just look at all those ladies behind Sepiroth and Cloud......they're swooning. Nice picture of Kaoru....I never knew he had a black cat.
  23. MORE news about the new Zelda. I've GOT to see this new vid......it sounds amazing. http://cube.ign.com/articles/515/515922p1.html
  24. Whoa. That's one of the nicest Rau mod jobs I've ever seen. The color scheme works really well too.
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