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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. If he has anyone more left I'd be glad to send you money thru Paypal. Please let me know if there are ANY Alpha's (or Cyclones left).
  2. Whoa!!! Now THIS is what the ship should have been in Otaku No Video.
  3. I know it's kinda OT but if you want the soundtrack to Wind Waker then PM me (for link). I'd also like to get my hands on the old Mega Man II and III tracks.
  4. Are you talking to me or EXO? If you could also make one in 1280x1024 for yours solscud007 that'd be GREAT. I love what you guys have done to the original. It's GREAT!
  5. Sure......that's because they're cheating. Just tell the truth....Yukikaze fighters (and their pilots) fight dirty.
  6. Searched! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=7701&hl=batman
  7. You have a GREAT collections FTF. Are Yamato's very hard to come by in France? Where do you order most of your stuff from? Is there a large fan base in Europe?
  8. Do you guys know where I can find the intro to M3. It wasn't included on the 20th Anniversary DVD and I've heard so much about it.
  9. I have both of the HK recasts which I picked up about two years ago (in the Philippines). Little did I know that I could find these little suckers on E-Bay for about half the price. A couple of months ago my Rei took a little tumble off the shelf.....thank god she only lost her head ( ). Decent sculpt but the paint work could be a little better.
  10. No Verhoven No ILM CGI No Dina Meyer No Denise Richards Straight to video? Nah.....I'll pass.
  11. Whoa. Thanks for da new pics! Is that a Destroid Phalanx on the gunner deck?
  12. Anyone that says Oriental (to describe an Asian) should be questioned because that's something you'd hear in the 80's.
  13. What's the scale for this Alpha? 1/55? If I can get one for $60 to $70 shipped that'd be great. The new pictures make me want to get one now more than ever.
  14. Anyone from the Bay Area going to attend the Airshow at NASA Ames Research Center this weekend?
  15. No matter what the box office says, Picard rocks the hizzie Picard rocks da hizzy but there were sometimes when he just didn't jump to CONCLUSION'S like Kirk did.
  16. Kubrick style? The Cleansup Set The Gimp Set The Cast Set The Overdose Set
  17. Are you looking for a full body naked picture? Or with some kind of clothing, weapon, or armor?
  18. "That's not true. That's impossible." -Luke Skywalker (from ESB) I haven't seen it yet.......personally I'm gonna wait till the ANBU-ONE version is ready to go. When episode 3 came out I ended up downloading three different versions. I'm willing to wait but sure hurts not wanting to watch it RIGHT NOW.
  19. WHOA! I've never really liked Southern Cross....personally I always thought the mecha and storyline were the worst of the Robotech trilogy (and dat ain't saying much). But that pic makes me wanna see it in a whole new light (maybe it's because Dana looks SO FRIGGIN HOT).
  20. UN Spacy

    1/60 Gbp

    I sure hope so because I'm counting on it......my Hikaru VF-1J is the only one without Fast Packs.
  21. There's talk about this at the Trek Forums where supposedly that's a Reman at the end of Zero Hour. Eventually this will lead towards the Romulan War (which should take place IF there's a 5th or 6th season), and with all this talk about bringing back Shatner (as Kirk OR his greatgrandfather) makes me all the more interested (yeah....I know shameless plus, ratings booster, who cares) in Season 4. Personally, I think the cliffhanger has Brannon Braga's handiwork written all over it. With him apparently stepping down from his Executive Producer duties next year. It sure looks like he left the NEW writers one HELL of a jam to write themselves out of. Hopefully it'll be Sussman, Coto, or Black that'll handle the writing load next Season (along with BUUUUUUUUUUURMAN).
  22. If I were her (we both have the same birthday btw.....10/10) I'd be very scared right now.
  23. Very cool collection Godzilla! But are you holding out on us? Don't you have the largest amount of Low Viz Valkyries in MW history?
  24. I'd like to get my hands on either of the posters.......very nice idea with the logo. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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