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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I'm also a fan of Syd Mead's Yamato 2520 design, it's way better than what the what they've doen to the Great Yamato. I like how Mead added sleek lines yet kept the overall profile. I'm suprised more people didn't like the design.
  2. Since we're on teh subject of King Arthur is anyone on MW going to see the new movie? They sure made the right choice for Guinivere. Keira Knightly can handle my arrows ANYDAY , but everytime I see Clive Owen I think right back to my BMW Films DVD.
  3. It's already starting to look nice Armor. Are most PG's in 1:48 scale?
  4. The only "Monster" that's been sold on E-Bay within the last couple of weeks only sold for a little more than $25. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW You'd be better off saving for Yamato version.
  5. I wonder if that model Gundam has a build in camelback.
  6. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Yamato has dumped the proposed NEW 1/72 YF-19 w/ Fast Packs. Besides, it's better that I think it's not coming. Rather than keep my hopes alive like many other MW'ers. Sorry about the "silent treatment" between you and Yamato. They should be a little grateful for what you and Shawn (and all the other MW'ers) have done for Macross fandom in the United States (and abroad).
  7. My bad.....I thought you wanted the Full Armor variant.
  8. Hurin. You seem to be a pretty giving person, the little runt should be thankful to get ANYTHING. There's nothing more itchy than arrogant little pricks. Oh well. At least you gave him Robotech merchandise. BTW. Was there any water damage to your property?
  9. Sorry to bump the thread but there have been lots of new pictures released. I'm suprised at the amount of talent that's in this cast. Christopher Nolan must have pulled some major tricks out of his bag, hopefully they'll all be signed on for more than two films. Wonderful cast. Just wonderful. Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon.
  10. Whoa! These are way better than any of the Transformers ones I've ever seen. I'm suprised we haven't seen any dogfights with Macross Yamato's.
  11. If I were an addict you'd be my dealer and I'd be asking where's my next fix. Cliffnotes. Those pics rock anymore left. Welcome to the MW Forums vf1a.
  12. Any website to pictures of Nishizaki's Yamato universe?
  13. YUMMY. But, wasn't she killed in Daredevil? Is this supposed to take place in the same universe? She's looking damn sessy too.
  14. IMHO they're setting up Spiderman 3 to feature the villians: 1. Hobgoblin and/or Lizard (Dr. Connors) 1. Hobgoblin and/or the Symbiote Suit (found by Jameson). It'll probably take at least an hour to introduce the Symbiote Suit (much like they introduced Doc Ock so late into SM2). I hope they don't introduce Venom because that wouldn't give him enough screen time.
  15. Did you have to pay to get into this place? How long was Mari Iijima performing? You got to hear her perform DYRL and An Angel Paints.......damn I'm jealous. I'd love to hear those two songs live. It's also pretty nice to hear she's cracking jokes about the while Minmay situation. What was the special occassion?
  16. I never really mentioned this before, but the more I see Matsumoto's OTHER creations. The more I get tired by his "typical" character designs. Hehehehehehe. Take a look at his website and you'll see how every series has a Harlock, Yuki, or Dr. Sano-type character. http://www.leiji-matsumoto.ne.jp/
  17. WOW. Apparently they're already on the third episode, the last time I heard about this series it was still in pre-produciton. Take a look at the three preview videos, it looks like they're using even more CG than The Galaxy Railways. I'm still not hooked on the Great Yamato design. But, anything new by Leiji Matsumoto and company can't be bad at all. Check it out. http://www.daiyamato-zerogo.com/index.html
  18. Well. It's a little more than month away from the 20th Anniversary of (the theatrical release of) DYRL. From what I've been told around Macrossworld it was released sometime during the second week of August (possibly the 10th in Japan). Do you guys think Big West should put any effort into celebrating this special event? What do you think will eventually happen?
  19. Personally. I never thought they were that great to begin with. If you're going to have clear parts you might as well make the whole damn FP set clear. Props to Yamato for having such a weird product.
  20. I'm sorry but that looks more like Will Ferrell than Spock.
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