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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. which was a 15th anniversary edition of "Angels Paints", not DYRL. Ah. MY BAD! You're right......I was thinking about Tenshi No Enogu.
  2. Whoa. Any chance we could see that vid? There's also a 15th Anniversary Edition.
  3. What about the freaking Earth Defense Fleet? Without the Starforce (and the Argo) Earth would have been destroyed by the Desslock and the Gamilons, Zordar and the Comet Empire, etc. They're so freaking useless (sorta....you gotta give credit to the Andromeda crew), no wonder the big shots of the EDF kept sweating bullets.
  4. Lemme catch my breath. Special Edition MW DVD. This isn't a late April Fool's Joke is it A7? Inquiring minds want to know.
  5. Very nice collection adn setup you've got there Anubis. I also have an Ingo display case sitting in my room, and there's been an on-going war between my Yammie Strike VF-1S and Masterpiece Convoy for control of the top shelf (I'm pretty much out of room). I also picked up one of those nifty IKEA display lights, but been too lazy to do the necessary drill work to attach it securely. Great price. Nice case.
  6. I feel the same about the TV episode where Minmay and Hikaru are stuck in the belly of the Macross. The part where Hikaru and Misa are on Earth is not as long though. As much as I like the mechs and the action, I also get into the soapy part of Macross. That may be true but you can't deny the scene where Hikaru, Minmay, and Misa finally meet in Hikaru's quarters. It's a real emotional roller coaster when the love triangle comes to a climax (stop it with the dirty thoughts guys).
  7. This is your valkyrie. This is yoru valkyrie on drugs. Any questions? I doubt that'd be able to maneuver in space with all those Fast Packs. Hehehehe.
  8. Jeez. I wish they let us know about the retail price because I need to prepare my wallet for damage control.
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It's been a while since I've seen the first episode of Macross Plus. I always thought the bayonet came out like a switchblade, from the diagrams it looks like it's swings out 180 degrees. That's weird.
  10. hahahahaha! they're wannabe Turn-A Zaku's.
  11. What's the deal behind this? Is this the same version as zeo-mare's? That's VERY VERY nice.
  12. Thanks for the updated pics Armor. Do all MW'ers that've finished PG Gundam-kits. Are they only for advanced model builders? I doubt I'd be able make them look (anywhere) as nice as something you'd see in the model section. I really wanna pick up one of these Perfect Grade's now.
  13. Yup. I'll probably pick up SLEDGEHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMER! Hehehehehehe. If Star Trek is also for a decent price I'll pick it up. But I also can't wait for the Seinfeld Season DVD Boxsets (sometime in November).
  14. Wow.....keep those gorgeous chicks coming.
  15. Wow. I guess this is one anime I'll be keeping up with. Any ETA on the Region 1 DVD? How many episodes have been released so far?
  16. That's F'N badass. BUT. Does it make that tracking noise that sent chills up my spine during the movie? Does the radar display also light up? EDIT: YES IT DOES!
  17. Since we're on the subject of Matsumoto's works, I'd like to know if anyone else has been following The Galaxy Railways. I saw the first several episodes and was pretty impressed, but let's just say the action was close to nil after series premiere. I just saw the 19th episode and it was pretty darn funny for a Matsumoto piece. Isn't the series already done? Was there any major action going on?
  18. Whoa. Thanks for the new pic CF18! Now it doesn't look as squished in Gerwalk Mode (as in the earlier pics). Love the detail all over da Monster. Now, how much is this little beauty gonna set me back? Max's Q-Rau is also looking DELICIOUS.
  19. Yup......Robocop's piece does look kinda small. I'd definitely be down for a Hicks figure. ...and Biel is hotness.
  20. Character designs for SDF:M, DYRL, and M7 were handled by Haruhiko Mikimoto. I'm not sure if that's what you were looking for. :dunno: I forgot who handled the designs for MII, M+, and M0.
  21. Is there lineart for the other Valkyrie Squadrons in DYRL? Particularly ANGEL and APOLLO.
  22. It was released in July?!?!?!? What's with all that 84 - 8 stuff on the movie trailers? Oh well. At least HG has something planned (RUNS AWAY AT LUDICROUS SPEED while trying to put on his flame suit). Happy Birthday DYRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Cool. Another GREAT zombie movie to look foward to, and Jill Valentine is looking VERY sessy.
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