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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Instead this one centers around Dick Grayson and the murder of Batman. Check it out. http://theforce.net/theater/nonsw/grayson/
  2. But. Wouldn't Yamato also have to make a TV Type-A head?
  3. I was hoping for a VF-1D to be on the list but since that's not the case I voted for CF VF-1A.
  4. ....the Live Action Transformers movie? http://aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=17982
  5. UN Spacy


    I hope they're not done JUST yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a GBP Armor for Hikaru's lonely VF-1J. I also doubt they're done milking the VF-1 mold for all it's worth.
  6. Actually. I'm having the same problem, a couple of my friends (inlcuding myself) ordered a bunch of Bit-Char G's about three weeks ago. According to my friend in Canada they were shipped on June 24th. They still haven't arrived yet (and my friends also didn't get their stuff also). But, just like the South Park movie says.... BLAME CANADA! BLAME CANADA!
  7. WHAT is the name of that song in DYRL that's played during the scene right after Hikaru slaps Minmay. It's a mostly piano........
  8. Alright. Time for some Samurai Champloo. How many dumplings did Mugen originally ask for? How many dumplings was Fuu finally gonna give him?
  9. You guys still keeping up with this series? LMF just released the 11th episode. It has a GREAT story about two little kids, really poignant that's almost a tear jerker (along with some great background music).
  10. "He's Hicks sir. I'm Hudson." (finally the product most ALIENS fans have been waiting for)
  11. ...alright I just finished the last commercial for VFX-2 plus the end credit. The whole dvd runs just under one hour. About 42 minutes for all the DYRL, Plus, 2, 7 and video game movies. 17+ minutes for the timeline.
  12. Whew. Anyone would be better than McG(ay), he needs to stick to directing rap video's with Tupac and Biggie Smalls. His movies are utter garbage. All we need is actors for Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor then we'll be all set.
  13. Thanks for the pics Graham! It seems Jeffrey is already mesmorized by the Super Ostrich! Will you be posting a review in the next couple of weeks? How sturdy is the base?
  14. Hehehehehe. This is quite a find. Is that a Cobra Dreadnaught standing next to Miria? Hehehehehehehe. I'd still kill for a mint Cyclone.
  15. So? Does this mean we have our Bumble(bee) and Cliffjumper bases covered?
  16. Is this the book you are talking about? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/tia11f.jpg Yes. That's the book and I can also vouche for DYRL's sheet music being IN there. I remember a couple of years ago when my brother used that book (and an old Windows MIDI program) to make a DYRL-midi file. T'was pretty cool.
  17. I never thought he'd mention another anime title to talk about. But once again Pierre Bernard showed up on a (NEW?) episode of Conan O'Brien tonight. He recently tuned into Cartoon Network to check out some Cowboy Bebop, only to find out that it had been replace by Case Close(d). He described Bebop as having jazz music that calmed his nerves, with images of a frog staircase to heaven (I guess he just saw Mushroom Samba). He also took the time to pronounce all five of the Bebop crewmembers. He then went on to bash Case Closed, saying that it was a poorly drawn replacement for Cowboy Bebop. He would have prefered them to replace it with Sakura Diaries, Amazing Nurse Nanako, or Bubblegum Crisis.
  18. Thanks for the great news Graham! When I was listening to Romero's commentary on the Dawn of the Dead DVD it kinda sucked hearing how much trouble he went through trying to pitch an idea for the fourth movie. Now that the remake was a success they're finally greenlighted another sequel. More BRAINS! I hope Tom Savini and Stan Winston are somehow involved.
  19. I've heard that BT-05 Dead End (and the Robotmasters line) has already hit E-Bay.
  20. Whoa. I hope they have enough invested to finish the entire project. On a related side note whatever happened to that guy that was building that Gundam (was it the Deathscythe)? I believe it was 1/2 scale (or something like that).
  21. Any news about Dr. Doom? Is he going to be in this movie? Do you guys also remember the OLD FF movie from the late 80's? Total cheese.
  22. I don't mind Jessica Alba as Sue Storm but my choice would have been Charlize Theron.
  23. It looks rather Zone of the Enders-ish. Boy needs to work out them legs and get them nice and sessy.
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