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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Well I guess it did pretty good for itself.
  2. Add another Filipino to yer list because I'd pick that up in a second. Hehehehehe.
  3. Mari didn't sing any Macross tunes? EDIT: I just read the thread in the Conventions Forum.
  4. Yes. Aside from the slight mold change to the head (along with the addition of the chrome grill) it's a repaint of Hound.
  5. That Swindle looks pretty nice. BTW anyone get their BT Tracks already? I gotta be on da lookout for those Alternator Dead End's.
  6. how true...how very true hahahaha I wonder if this was their Mushroom Samba episode?
  7. Mine have those too.....it's just a slight tinger of burnt sierra. I just finished the movie about an hour ago, and it was just as good as before. Although I've only been able to catch the first disc, I'm still debating when I'm gonna use my FREE AVP movie pass. Hehehehehe. "Anytime."
  8. I just picked up the Special Edition Predator DVD and it came with a free ticket for AVP. Hey....can't go wrong with THAT.
  9. Superman should be able to decimate all of them.
  10. I saw short clip of that on Ebert and Roeper.....looks very NICE. Do you guys think QT is gonna release a better DVD release of Vol 1 and 2 down the road? I sure hope so because I'm gonna pass up the initial releases and wait it out.
  11. The only reason I'm not getting them is because they're not pre-cut. I'm horrible at cutting things out.
  12. As the late Rick James would (sorta) say. "Opium is a hell of a drug."
  13. I'll probably get da Blue MPC when the time comes, I wanna see some reviews because I've never had a Toynami product before. Of course the Beta will also be mine.
  14. http://www.ferrago.com/video/videos/4210_1.wmv (right click, save as)
  15. Finally. Time to preorder THIS and the Macross Legends of Live figures.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9795
  17. Tis quite old news. Here's another great shot of Grimlock in Vehicle Mode.
  18. Well. It just saw about half of the eighth episode (by AF-F) and they're still looking for food. Pretty funny so far.
  19. Grimlock looks WAY better with these new pics. I can't wait to add those to my collection.
  20. Is this the first time we're seeing a NICE General Manager for a change? Hehehehe. He's my kinda brotha. One more hour and a half to go. Hey A7. Do you plan on bidding on some of Kurt Angle's stuff? Kurt Angle's Shadow Box Angle’s Wheelchair Angle’s Cast Angle’s Picture LAST EDIT: It's GREAT to see Angle back in action (against Charlie Haas.....what happened to Rico though). Hahahaha. Can't go wrong when they bring out the midgets. Booker T.....now the Undertaker.
  21. Wait. You can't have a DMX without......that's right Jet Li and Anthony Anderson. They're the unstoppable trio of rap and wushu trained Colonial Marines.
  22. Whoa. That looks a LOT more intricate than the GP-01FB. Can't wait to see the rest of your pics.
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