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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Doesn't MW'er xstoys have three of em? Did they ever sell the body armor piece?
  2. I guess I can bring my Mari Iijima sings Lynn Minmay CD with me. But I've heard some scary stories about her live performances. I wonder if theres any chance she'll perform a Macross song. I sure hope so.
  3. http://yamato.channel.or.jp/ps2/index.html Can any MW'ers translate what's included in the two DVD set? Didn't they release the SAME game for the PSX? If they release one based off the Comet Empire series that'd be GREAT.
  4. Personally. I went with the white Meister b/c I don't need another RED Binaltech. (w/ Windcharger that makes three)
  5. As Luke Skywalker would say, "That's not true! That's impossible!" What're they doing?!?!?
  6. UN Spacy

    Yamato Stand!

    Aren't your palms sweating when you see your Valkyries hanging like that? From what I've heard it isn't very safe from THAT mounting position. Pretty though. Straight out of DYRL.
  7. Was that Bruticus that sent Prime and Megatron the e-mail? Anyone read Japanese? What'd that say? Pretty cool for a flash movie.
  8. I agree about the dull coat, nevertheless I'd never have the balls to paint my 1:48's. Max also forgot to fully transform into Battroid Mode......did he run out of Yoshinol? Hehehehehe.
  9. Thanks for the pics chowyunskinny! The head sculpt looks a little bit off from the G1 sculpt. I didn't know Windcharger had a visor.
  10. The head lasers still look a tad bit off........and I'm still afraid it'll be too fragile. Alas, it still looks GREAT.
  11. Anyone else been able to find this game? My local EB Games and Gamestop had their shipments delayed. Here's a Japanese Commercial for K.D. http://home.comcast.net/~lynngarnett/katamari.mov
  12. I guess it's official. The eleventh Binaltech will be Windcharger. http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=3574&mode=flat
  13. I've always LOVED the Dendrobium.....I just wish someone gave it the great GFF treatment.
  14. I'd take Ironhide over the Autobot Brothers anyday........
  15. I don't see any Macross Zero artbooks. Hahahaha. All I see are lovely Japanese models in scantily clad outfits.
  16. Looks like another Pro Wrestler is gone to the big mat in the sky. RIP Raymond Traylor A.K.A BIG BOSS MAN.
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