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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Is that the one where the brunette is caught in a particular position? Very steamy indeed.
  2. http://omind.free.fr/stock/aa_30s.avi (right click save as)
  3. Sorry to bump but I haven't seen a NEW episode in a while (since episode 14). This isn't funny. I'm NOT a LAUGHING MAN.
  4. After seeing it again....I think it'd be a little safer. EDIT: I also need a pic host.
  5. I'm not sure which anime this scene came from. EDIT: Keiichi saves the day. Here we go.
  6. Thanks for the AWESOME pictures viperbite. Your skills are simply amazing.....although the pics are taking quite a long time to load. What're you planning to do next? BTW....welcome to the MW Forums.
  7. It's gonna take a while to fine tune MY CJ.....time to give him a little mo bling bling to increase his sex appeal.
  8. I would also like to get IN for those launcher recasts (now all we need is someone to do the casts). Minus the assembly part of course.
  9. Is there any way to get a direct download link? Streaming video is choppy as heck (and my connection is usually fast).
  10. D.D's death was pretty grusome but it happened rather quickly, there wasn't that much emotional impact (unlike Guld's death in the M+ movie).
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11595
  12. Make sure you're very drunk before watching End Of Evangelion.
  13. I also picked up DotD for $15.99 at Best Buy.......2004 has been a great year for zombie films. Dawn Of The Dead Shaun Of The Dead Resident Evil: Apocalypse (and I liked them all for different reasons)
  14. Would you have bid on this VEHICLE VOLTRON? Part of me tells me I did a good thing, but the other half tells me I missed out on a good thing. What do you think?
  15. That WW Prime is greatness......I wonder why Hasbro and/or Takara hasn't released this yet.
  16. That is a sessy custom YF-19 striderhiryu. Any pics of it in Figher and Gerwalk mode.
  17. I'm getting mine copy this week. It's worth it just for the soundtrack and hookers.
  18. Those R2 cases are REALLY gorgeous. It's too bad we got stuck with the US stuff.
  19. Thanks for da cool pics wolfx. It's almost like a GAINAX version of Where's Waldo.
  20. She deserves it. In other news HOEDOWNS have increased 1000%.
  21. Great. They hired one of those MTV music video directors......why don't they give the Akira live action movie to McGee (of Charlies Angels fame). TETSUO!!!!!! KANEDA!!!!!!!
  22. :eek: That is a GREAT (but sneaky) move that I might have to do myself. Hehehehe.
  23. Very smooth flight. That'd be nice if it also cut a little grass. I'd also like to see the link to the Enterprise RC.
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