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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. UN Spacy

    VF Girls

    Whoa. I remember your drawings from the old forums. Cool stuff! I've got to say this thread is full of GREAT artists.
  2. There have been rumors about Altenator/Binaltech (1/72) JETS coming in 2005. http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=4418
  3. Will the doors open up so I can make a custom shot like this........
  4. You must've missed it. Hehehehehe.....it was posted last week. HERE
  5. Does ANYONE know where I can find the piano version of Runner? It's on the new Macross PS2 game.
  6. UN Spacy

    Mac 2 monster

    IMHO Yamato will probably scrap the Mac II Monster, with the 1/100 Koenig being released next month there's really no need for another. With the possibility of 1/60 coming next year do we really need a third Monster? BTW. I don't remember seeing a Monster in Mac II. Can someone refresh my memory?
  7. Intrigue! Scandal! JUICY PICS! Graham drops the Yamato F-bomb in 2005?
  8. You stole her away from Kevin? Hehehehehehehe. (j/k) Happy Holidays MW.
  9. Fine. You guys wanna play that way? Hahahahaha. Since my Yamato Monster will NOT be here for the holidays I'll go with my third choice (since my BT-10 Grimlock will be here soon), the hottest Vulcan since Spock.
  10. I think you need to check your links. Monster on TMP anime. Monster on VE.
  11. I was going to use them but shipping was gonna be a b!tc# so I went with VE.com
  12. This is not good. Soon they'll go after all the anime fansubbers.
  13. Welcome to the MW Forums thankheaven. You might wanna check out THIS thread about 1/48 hand recasts. Personally. I have two sets and they look SUPERB, you can't go wrong with Rohby's recasts.
  14. Excellent work guys! Is that modeled after a Yamato 1/48 b/c the dimensions sure make it seem so.
  15. I sure hope those are tampo printed and NOT fugly stickers. Come on Yamato.
  16. The Players or Filters? NM: The lite filter works just fine.
  17. You know, I went to go buy it at Fry's and it was sold out. Then I went to Target, it was sold out. Anybody know where I can get this for 79.99 or less? (I'm talkin brick n mortar store not online stores) While prices may be regional, try Walmart. Mine in Sacramento is selling for around $72.99. Fry's increased their price to that as well after one day. I also missed out on Fry's GREAT $69.99 deal, by the time I got to Best Buy (I was planning to do a price match) they were all sold out.
  18. I want it! Buy me that now Mommy! Hehehehehee. That Monster looks so hot.
  19. UN Spacy

    Latest custom 1/48

    Any gorgeous piece of Kurtwork.
  20. I might be willing to let go of mine.
  21. Does that mean you're getting YOUR shipment a couple of weeks later?
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