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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Meh. That shirt has been available on E-Bay for a couple of months. The MWCON shirts have way better designs.
  2. Happy New Years fellas! Goodbye to 2004 and hello to 2005.
  3. I say we get a Bomber Squadron going. Much like the Low Viz crew on MW........let's get a VB-6 crew in here.
  4. Damn. Something's already wrong with my Gun Walker.......it just won't move anymore.
  5. My Kyosho Gun Walker just came in today, quite a deal for $28 shipped. How much were these originally going for? Are the replacement parts easy to find? I saw some on HLJ.com but they were all sold out. I'm going to put it together later tonight and post some vids. BTW. Panzer. What's the frequency on yours? Mine is 27.045MHz.
  6. Wow. Did Episode 17 have a TON of nudity or is it just me?
  7. For $700 a pop? That'd better come with a free trip to Japan. Yikes!
  8. So? Has this become vaporwear? Or should we expect it in 2005?
  9. I doubt Takara is gonna go the extra mile for Magnus' armor. Sigh.....it's too bad because I'll be passing this one up. Looks like a common repaint to me.
  10. I'll be getting GITS2: Innocence from Best Buy tomorrow. Ditto for Samurai Champloo.
  11. Speaking of 1/48 hands. Whatever happened to that DYRL-style hands project? Is it vaporware now?
  12. It's already pretty sad to see the tremendous loss of life over there.
  13. Aren't the U.N. Spacy markings on the 1/48 leg armors tampo printed? Ditto for Hikaru's 1/48 VF-1J.
  14. Is anyone else following this series? It seems that LMF stopped on Episode 16.
  15. So? Who picked up the Season 3 DVD Boxset? If you haven't heard FOX included a sneak preview for Season 4 on the last disc. The Season Premiere is going to air on January 9th with TWO NEW (2 hour) episodes back to back.
  16. Thanks for da bad ass pics eriku and samuraisouthpaw. My BT Grimlock just came in two days ago......he is ONE TOUGH mo-fo to transform. Maybe even harder than ol' Smokescreen.
  17. UN Spacy


    All Yamato would have to do is make the trunk extendable. Then they'd have the slimmer profile for Batroid Mode. Damn I can't stop looking at the beauty of that Hasegawa.
  18. To quote Bart Simpson. "Time to start digging some nerd holes." (Hehehehehehe....j/k)
  19. UN Spacy


    No, hasegawa models aren't variable, these are custom works. Honestly. I'd give up most of my 1/48 collection for a set of Macross Plus Hasegawa customs. They're so damn nice.
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