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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Actually, I enjoyed RE2 as we got to see Milla Jovovich's nipples near the end of the movie . Graham Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil? You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth.
  2. Very nice pic bhop! Did you get to talk to him? BTW. Did you guys know Kiefer is almost fully deaf in his right ear.
  3. I can't wait for tonights episode.......from the commercials I've been seening it looks pretty tense. BTW. I'm also going to avoid ALL gas station mini marts in the future.
  4. She's a NEW actress on the Fox show 24 (airs Monday nights). I'd like to know how she got that scar on her lip.
  5. The fine print above. It's actually pretty easy to read.....you just gotta find out which episode(s) have a clear shot of it.
  6. Sorry to go kinda OT but the RAW version of Galaxy Force's first episode has been released. Check HERE.
  7. Playing with Monsters......praising your MG Balls. What's this forum come to? What's next?
  8. NEW QUESTION. It's easy. Let's all not jump to our DVD's at once....... In Evangelion. What's the serial number on Pen-Pen's ID badge?
  9. I called and ordered several from the Seattle store on Saturday. They showed up today. One had torn cellophane and one had a dinged box, the others were in mint. Which one of the non-mint ones would you open? Any chance you could PM me the contact info? I'm also looking for a Rei......
  10. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Fry? Fry? Sloane? Sloane?
  11. I haven't been back to AP since you sent me the link. Your cosplay thread is greatness.
  12. Excellent modeling work. Wow.....gotta love the beauty of the VF-4.
  13. UN Spacy


    Excellent work you've got there.........I can't wait to pics when you get those little figures.
  14. Yeah, Season 2 called and wants its gas station holdup scenario back. Debbie's gone. The evil mom knew her son couldn't do it so she made she that the kid will die by poison. The gun's probably not even loaded. Is it just me or do we have someone worse than Sherry Palmer now? I'm starting to hate that new black chick. Don't get me wrong....shes gorgeous. But what a bitch.......I knew 24 couldn't exsist WITHOUT a Sherry-type character.
  15. Jack robbing a gas station? Do you guys think he should have ditched the car asap? Come on.....this is Los Angeles were talking about folks (aka home of the daily high speed chase). That'd be kind of interesting if the girlfriend made it through alive. But with next weeks previews that makes it pretty unlikely. I wonder what'll happen to Secretary Heller next week.
  16. You couldn't be MORE wrong. ....and I only watched Apocalypse for the hotness that is Jill Valentine.
  17. I thought wasn't doing heroin anymore.
  18. Do you guys think CTU is any different from the previous seasons? IMHO they're still as incompetent as usual.....Jack still has free reign on anyone that works there. Great storyline so far....there's already a ton of cliffhangers just waiting to happen during tonights episode.
  19. For all you East Coasters it's ON right now!
  20. Is everyone ready for tomorrow? Two days of BACK TO BACK EPISODE OF 24.
  21. I think I found it via mlnet. It might be on imacross, too. I was able to find M7 Encore on Animesuki.com. The download took over a day but AT LEAST I had The Fleet Of The Strongest Women. If this is the BEST that Macross 7 has to offer I don't think I wanna see the rest of the series. It was kinda interesting seeing Basara's effect on the Meltrandi fleet. All the little DYRL flashbacks were GREAT as well. How come Miria still has her old VF-1 flight suit?
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