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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. It's time for the beginning of the end of Samurai Champloo. AF-F just released #24.
  2. STFU. ....and I own a Gamecube, PS2, PSP, and GBA SP so I'm not biased.
  3. Maybe IF Sony and Microsoft choose better characters to on their verisons of SC2 they would've sold better. XBOX gets SPAWN. What a friggin joke........now if they had the dude from Ninja Gaiden that would've been better. I also think PS2 version should've had Solid Snake.
  4. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Now all I need is a larger memory card.
  5. Well. I just came back from Wal Mart (around 1:30PM) and they're already all sold out.
  6. Well. I'm off to Wal Mart in a couple of minutes. Wish me luck.
  7. Things are coming along very nicely Ryuji! I remember having that picture of Komillia on my binder during my freshman year of High Schoo. Boy that was a long time ago. I can't wait to see how this turns out.
  8. Way too much? Is it because she was considered one of the "good guys"? Consdering the large amount of people that're killed on 24 I doubt Dina Eraz's would have been any different. No, it's because she's a mother. Nobody wants to see women and kids in body bags. At least not in this country. True. They never did show Terry Bauer getting OFF'ed in the first series finale.
  9. Way too much? Is it because she was considered one of the "good guys"? Consdering the large amount of people that're killed on 24 I doubt Dina Eraz's would have been any different.
  10. The finally released #23 today. BASEBALL!
  11. Speaking of Chloe. How the heck did she get to CTU so fast? Does she live in the one of the magicial CTU dorm rooms? That have special transporters that whisk them to headquarters in a blink of an eye.
  12. YES. He wanted it to seem legit......but I guess all that was for nothing.
  13. Exactly. Now that Enterprise is going off the air I have NO reason (besides Smadkdown) to watch UPN.
  14. ANBU has the first three episodes fansubbed.
  15. Official Geneon STARSHIP OPERATORS Website
  16. Any of you CA MW'ers know of any good deals for airline flights to Orange County? I'm in the Bay Area so lemme know because I might be flying down there. PM me with da info.
  17. Damn...the music is already pretty catchy.
  18. It's been expected Gambit and Beast would be in the next "X-Men" movie, now AICN has published a report indicating "BEAST will be joining the X-Men...GAMBIT will indeed be part of the film this time around, and expect them to cast a fairly big name in the role...ANGEL will be in the movie. But ANGEL... will be a girl". That report was followed up a few hours later by IGN FilmForce who were advised that Angel (a.k.a. Warren Worthington III) will be male and a "major character" as will Beast. Gambit will only be a small part. Beast will be seen in his transformed state and will be played by a different actor than Steve Bacic, who cameoed as Hank McCoy in X2. Their sources also confirm Cyclops is still in the movie but not as a major character.
  19. But if they were Macross toys we'd buy em in a second.
  20. yeah that was tight! That was Michael Beihn? The CTU team? Naw. But I wish he was.....Michael Biehn is the STEREOTYPICAL Delta Force (Special Forces) Leader. Hehehehehehe.
  21. BTW. It looks like they're going to go after Air Force One. Did anyone else expect Michael Biehn to be the leader of the commandos?
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