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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. If that's the case I'm not watching Smackdown anymore.
  2. If someone told me a week ago that LMF finally released Episode 20 I would have kicked them in the nads and walked away LAUGHING. But MAN this isn't a joke because it's FINALLY come out!
  3. Note to the writers of 24. ANY episode in which Jack does NOT inflict serious amounts of bodily harm to bad guys WILL SUCK. The only reason worth watching tonight was the quick interogation by Jack Bauer to Mr. Italian stereotypical mafioso . I could do WITHOUT the petty bickering by Edgar. I thought they were done with the nuclear bomb storyline. Or are they so out of ideas that they have to go back to Season Two antics. Next week Macrossworlders. It's Jack versus Marwan in a dance off at the club. WHO WILL BE SERVED? Stayed tuned. Witness the return of THE PALMER! I'm also NOT impressed with this iternim Nixon-ish President Logan.
  4. Did you guys catch The Simpsons on Sunday? If you didn't then here's what ya missed.
  5. If I send somebody my Hikaru VF-1A plus a conversion kit can one of you MW modeling masters make me a VF-1D?
  6. I'm still waiting for the Mahou or ANBU version of Episode Two. In the meantime. Here's the HORY FROATING HEAD with a little something in his hand. SOC?
  7. I don't smell any Spamsilog. Oh wait.....there it is.
  8. I believe the name of the episode you're looking for was the Fifth Season Finale (and Sixth Season Premiere). Equinox Parts I and II.
  9. So? What do you guys think will be next in the Masterpiece line? If MP-02 Ultra Magnus sells well will there be another? Wil MP-03 be Scourge (yet another repaint of Convoy)?
  10. Is this insider news or things you noticied while shopping for Yamato merchandise?
  11. Is that the store with the HUGE Rei resin statue? When I was there back in 02 it was full of Transformers and Gundam filled glass displays. I KNOW all my MW kababyans are itching for a SOC Voltes V. Diba?
  12. I think he's refering to the intake/engines/legs not being properly mounted in fighter mode.
  13. Now. If they'd only made the Spawn movie just as good we'd all be happy.
  14. Looks like I might have to send my Hikaru VF-1A (plus the converison kit) to another MW model master in order for me to get a VF-1D.
  15. Takara ISN'T going to release their own MP Trailer in the future.....right? It'd hate to buy this ONLY to find out they're making one pretty soon.
  16. IMHO I thought the whole scene was a bit far fetched. Jack should have told them to hide someplace besides that substation. BAD play on the part of Jack......he should have KNOWN Marwan and his crew would head there. What do you guys think of the acting President?
  17. UN Spacy

    TV-1A head

    Very nice work EXO. I'm surpised it looks that good.
  18. *76114 We now have access to the playbook.
  19. Whoa. Excellent job guys!!!!
  20. Uh. Who's supposed to play the famed Ghost Rider? Nic Cage?
  21. It's worth watching it just for the scene where Stephew Chow tries to pick a fight with the townsfolk (and HORRIBLY losing). Great flick.
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