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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. What? No S-Rank from Tenjin-san?! Hehehe. ...very nice to see a multiplayer option.
  2. LOL that old man Graham is so turned off by it.
  3. Tenjin's latest piece? This was at the All Japan Hobby Show earlier today. I wonder if this'll be in the Fourth Sortie.
  4. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

  5. Thanks for the photos...that looks like a blast.
  6. So...is 2016 the first year we aren't getting a new 1/60 mold from Yamarcadia? 2014 was the YF-19 2015 was the VF-0D Has this year been all reissues for their Macross licenses?
  7. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    First look at PLAMAX Sheryl.
  8. Liked the fan edit. BTW...have they mentioned who the composers will be?
  9. No updated scans?
  10. ...from Mr. K's Twitter.
  11. IN...but I hope the diecast content is decent. Takara's 1/72 Dougram was one of my FAVORITE toys growing up.
  12. The BEST Gipsy Danger? PLAMAX's 1/350 scale plamo. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=TOY-RBT-4154&page=top
  13. The one with the microphone...nice!
  14. While I loved Dragon...the actors playing Bruce Lee in Ip Man 2 and 3 were far superior.
  15. UN Spacy

    3P SD VF-1S

    LOL if you're gonna buy this. You must be really hard off for a crappy Veritech.
  16. Seems like it's not gritty enough for them. So they're using it to vent their frustration and give it low ratings. Kinda of rude and uncalled for. The box art/presentation of the first volume is rather well done...so don't mind those ramblings of a select few.
  17. On a related note here's the latest trailer for Berserk Musou which is hitting the US in February.
  18. Don't forget to read the afterword fellas.
  19. Now that the Conviction arc...
  20. VF-31J on sale at HLJ for 3,900 yen. http://hlj.com/product/BANN06327
  21. Several of the VF-1's on sale at HLJ. http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?ItemGroup=AUTUMN2016SALESCI&utm_source=HobbyLink%20Japan%20Newsletter&utm_campaign=910b7631f7-End_Of_Summer_Sale_9_16_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_baa74bea0a-910b7631f7-225165589&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&qid=ZSDQ6WPUV9&set=1&SeriesID2=934
  22. Tenjin's disgust for drawing Super Messiah's.
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