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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I can only IMAGINE the amount of threads that'll happen IF they show all three male or female pilots during their first UNION.
  2. Looks like some TF fans are already making mods to make the 20th anniversary trailer more "accurate".
  3. Let's all look back at what was supposed to happen. Pay close attention to the fine print at the bottom of the ad.
  4. Alright. Fess up. Who's the MW'er that owns this collection?
  5. I think it's safer to call Yesterday's Enterprise an Alternate instead of Mirror Universe.
  6. Sorry to bump but I'm seriously thinking about throwing away all of my Yammies boxes. I just broke them down and they're still taking up a LOT of my closet space. It's those huge plastic moldings that're pissing me off. They're so damn huge.
  7. YOU tease! Was it a painted version?
  8. TNG and VOY never strayed into the Mirror Universe.
  9. Alright fellas. Tonight is the conclusion of In A Miror, Darkly. Looks like the Defiant will reign carnage.
  10. I picked mine up (after a long delayed shipping) at EB Games last Friday. I just wish it held my PSP a little more tighter when the case is opened.
  11. yeah. I bought that last week. It's a great game. Agreed. What's everyones high score so far?
  12. My first 1/48 (Hikaru VF-1A) was somewhat stickered. My other two are naked and they'll stay that way. Yamato stickers aren't that great. Plus I'm too lazy to cut out all those Takatoy decals.
  13. YIKES. Between THAT and the SOC Voltes V Bandai is gonna destroy my wallet BIG TIME.
  14. Woops!!! The server couldn't check if your download request originated from my webpage. This could be due to several reasons. Reason 1: You clicked on a link other then the links on my pages. Reason 2: Someone copy/pasted one of my links and gave it to you. Reason 3: You are using some sort of privacy program or firewall that blocks cookies, referers etc. Reason 4: The webmaster is working on the script and/or made a programming error This check has been put in place to stop bandwidth theft!
  15. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Those Gokin Aquarion's look NICE.
  16. VERY VERY interesting. Are you also going to include some kind of tear like the CORE shirt?
  17. Please tell me there's a movie in the works. Fuu's last words gotta mean something.
  18. It's definitely hit or miss for me. So far the episodes have been pretty funny. I mean......where else can you see a breakdancing Voltron? I'm keeping up the hopes that some Robotech mecha will eventually show up.
  19. Here we go fellow AF-F Champloo watching MW'ers. The FINAL episode (#26) of Samurai Champloo has just been released. The end of a GREAT series.
  20. Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gravitas. What's your least favorite word?
  21. Guess who he's taking out with that blaster? Here's a hint. Another macho bad guy that's taken out like a sucka.
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