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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. 26 HOPEFULLY Watanabe-san has a movie planned for the future.
  2. ADV has already released 7 DVD's covering the first 16 episodes. I don't think they've released the second set at the moment.
  3. http://www.gantz.net/ It's a mix of Battle Royale meets Fist Of The North Star. Very graphic action plus quite a bit of sexual situations. Who's seen the anime or read the manga?
  4. UN Spacy

    SDF-1, TV and DYRL

    I wonder why it's so hard for Bandai or Yamato to release a SDF-1. I'm sure most of us would buy it.
  5. The SV-51 has the smallest chance to be made by Yamato. I voted for the Ivanov version because he's the first one they'd probably make.
  6. I agree.....these last two episodes have made me interested in the series again. Let's just hope it isn't another ten episodes before they decide to expand the main storyline. ...and give Apollo a damn flight suit already!
  7. He's also doing the voice of Meg? I thought that was Mila Kunis. OR am I thinking of Luanne from King Of The Hill.
  8. According to producers of the upcoming Movie they might NOT be going with the original voice actors.
  9. Jeez. I can see why his flat shipping rate has gone up quite a bit.
  10. Now that the flood gates of possibilites have been opened I hope Yamato has the booster rockets (from Episode 5) in mind.
  11. Naw. We all know that Yamato doesn't give a rats ARSE about Macrossworld.
  12. Yamato suprises us yet again. WOW! How many of us were expecting a 1/60 VF-0?
  13. The whole presentation looks VERY professional. Excellent work MechTech.
  14. Jeez. WHY did they make BT/AT Grimlock so DAMN HARD to transform? No wonder I've left it in Robot Mode for so long......it's annoying trying to get it back into Vehicle Mode.
  15. Now that MWCON5 has passed I hope this Special hasn't become vaporware. Shawn!?!?!?!?
  16. Here's a link to the browser in action. http://media.psp.ign.com/articles/635/635577/vids_1.html
  17. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Web browser OR homebrew games. I think I'm going with the updates b/c someone will eventually get around the lockouts.
  18. He's the second from the original Star Trek cast to pass away. The first was Deforrest Kelly several years ago.
  19. Fellas. Let's keep this thread on track and commemorate the life of James Doohan.
  20. He'll be missed. I'm gonna go watch The Wrath of Khan and Relics afterwards.
  21. That's how Yamato should have made them in the first place.
  22. Given that this is Toynami, I'd have to say that we won't see it for a while still. I'm fully expecting it to be about another year or so. Possibly longer if they have to keep changing things up. That's good! With all of the good stuff that's coming out (1/48 CF, SOC VOLTES, 1/48 GBP,etc...), I'm gonna need time to save up for the BETA ! 312239[/snapback] Agreed. Not to mention the fact that I still don't have an Alpha (yet). I'm probably gonna pick up all the stuff you've just mentioned. Plus Bandai is also going to release a Chogokin Aquarion (for $200)! My wallet is gonna DIE when I come back from the Philippines.
  23. That is a VERY clean looking Galaxy Class Starship. Wow. Is that a 1/625 scale model? Sorry I can't help with the nacelle recasting though....can't wait to see the finished product.
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