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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I wanna know's the woman at the bottom left hand corner.
  2. VERY nice photo! I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. I wonder who's the rest of the cast.
  3. Anemone's voice sounds very familiar.......sorta like Asuka from Evangelion. GREAT episode though.
  4. Looks goooooooooooooooood. Any idea how much these are gonna cost?
  5. This thread definitely needs more pictures than the previous one. The winner?
  6. 319449[/snapback] Hey Agent GHQ, How's it going? Try looking at the Gundam Store. They always have sales on the 1/60s. Give me a call later. NB4M 319454[/snapback] They once sold YF-19's for $84.99?!?!?!?!?? WOW.
  7. Fixed. ....and why another Kumite? Everyone knows that BLOODSPORT can NOT be touched. If that movie doesn't include Bolo Yeung (who should be in his sixties by now) then it isn't worth watching.
  8. They also released #23. I went through another fansubber for the last three episodes. http://www.anime-source.com/banzai/modules.php?name=Releases Do you guys know if there's going to be a third season? It'd be a shame if they didn't.
  9. National Lampoons European Vacation Rounders Office Space Jenna Loves Brianna
  10. Alright. My VFA-6H just arrived....how to you get the rear landing gear doors open? There's nothing for grab onto!
  11. What about the (bald) psychiatrist from all of the Terminator films? Wasn't he also in Aliens?
  12. IMHO it's not worth it. For $400 I could get two CF 1/48's and still have enough left over for the GBP Armor (when it comes out). Save your cash.
  13. VERY nice picture. ..and the fact that you find it in the mens bathroom of a bookstore is icing on the cake.
  14. Hi all, Yes, yes, anyone with a pic or screen grab?? 317185[/snapback] Here ya go. It's from the episode Fleet Of The Strongest Bitches. Click for larger size.
  15. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Gummmmmmmmmmy. Squishhhhhhhhhhhhhy. Firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmm. [/drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool]
  16. I'm here for the gang bang? I keed! I keeeeeeeeeeed! What happened?
  17. The old Robotech music really gets you IN the mood for some loving. EDIT: Darn. I saw this footage already.....doesn't seem too official to me.
  18. The old guy that used to work there was a FRIGGIN a-hole.
  19. I have a feeling homebrew for the 2.0 will be up and running by the end of this month.
  20. According to THIS review the US DVD's are uncensored.
  21. THIS place has ALL the mangas (updated up to #208). http://stoptazmo.com/gantz/ Just be nice and don't rape it all at once.
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