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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Looks very good.....I'm still kicking myself in the arse for letting go of Witchblade #1. This version looks WAY better than the TV series with Yancy Butler.
  2. Alright. That's not too bad. Is everyone going on Saturday? I definitely wanna see Mari Iijima perform. Hopefully I can kick it with you guys.
  3. I voted for the 1/48 version......but I would probably get someone to make it for me.
  4. I'm gonna try and make it. Is it expensive for single days tickets? I'm in Union City.
  5. I DO! That was fun. 349820[/snapback] LOL. I used that as my MAP pic. Hehehehe. I'm much balder now. We gotta do that again.
  6. Sounds like a sweeeeeet deal. I don't buy too many DVD's these days (with Netflix and all) so the price has to be JUST right. I'm also getting the prequel to S5 right now. I wanna see Frank in action chewing bubble gum and taking names (or heads).
  7. WOW. I never knew the Ghost was that huge! Excellent work man. What's next?
  8. I wasn't on the old Macrossworld forums during the Yamato 1/72 Macross Plus days. How was the Macross TOY market before Yamato? I need some insight from my fellow MW'ers.
  9. VERY nicely done typhoon-2000. You've got great skills. Welcome to the MW Forums.
  10. Alright. It's been a year. WHO has seen this movie? WHEN is it out on DVD? HAVE you seen the LAST ORDER anime? I still haven't seen this movie.
  11. I had the same problem. Uninstall then get the latest verison of QT.
  12. What is it with Oscar winning actresses doing shitty movies after they've won? Halle Berry had Catwoman and now this?
  13. Welcome to the MW Forums Super 168! My my my. Valkyries are now going for almost $200 these days. WOW.
  14. Is this series worth picking up on E-Bay?
  15. Does this mean they'll also bring back the Slammies?
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