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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. The chicken hands are starting to bug me.
  2. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Monster on sale for 17,500 yen at CD Japan. Unless you're one of those dummies that's gonna keep on waiting for a Robotech branded 1/55 that'll never happen. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-181260
  3. See you later Macrossman.
  4. Who f'n cares? What idiot would buy that Monster when you've already got a perfectly fine Hi-Metal R one? ...and Kevin McKeever is blowing smoke out of his arse. Sorry jaylive but ya sound like a bit of a moron.
  5. Could barely get through the video with that nerd Matt Alt.
  6. New Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
  7. UN Spacy

    3P SD VF-1S

    Wow that's a lot of pieces of CRAP in one photo. ...and now that isn't an SMS stand we're infringing upon.
  8. Who gives a flying ufck about them. Seriously though...May'n and Megumi performed at AX2010. Those retards can cry from their soap box for all I care.
  9. Please don't tell me HLJ's keeping the link open only to break customers hearts like w/ the VF-31J.
  10. AYYY LMAO.
  11. WHEW...hope I get through.
  12. UGH.
  13. ...AND HERE. WE. GO.
  14. AnimeExpo staff is taking suggestions for musical guests for 2017. Let's get Walkure in there folks. ROCK DA VOTE! https://t.co/41KWmvn10A
  15. Just opened another beer. Please tell me I'm not the only one drinking.
  16. In my best Marco from Tropoja voice....GOOD LUCK. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-023079&page=top
  17. Nintendo also releasing a classic Famicon.
  18. IIRC they're still going through color matching so y'all can argue about it for the next several weeks. This is from Mr. K's latest Tweet.
  19. This is gonna be more difficult than Hayate's VF-31.
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