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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Here we go MW'ers! TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! Is the 5th Season Premiere! I can't wait!
  2. Sweet! I just ordered mine yesterday.......I'm pretty stoked about the Andromeda coming this year too. EDIT: I'm HATING that huge gap below the fourth turret. WHY?!~?!?
  3. You recasters might wanna get started on this piece. I can see why it's being hailed as Yamato's next B-Tab. I can't believe they could make the chest missiles a better fit.
  4. My GOD it's a real B!TCH getting these chest missiles on. I don't wanna push too hard b/c I'm afraid I might break the damn thing.........it's a really tight fit.
  5. Got my 48 CF and GBP Armor in the mail. Everything is superb except from a slight imperfection on the head of the CF. The two halves that go over the head sensor are kinda loose. Is super glue the best way to fix this? EDIT: Some of the model sprue was a little chunky on the inside....a little clipping and sanding should work.
  6. Same here. I'll need a brown and white set.
  7. Will you have an option for JUST the side covers? I have two 48's that're gonna need this.
  8. Looks like the WINNER has been announced! http://toyboxst.inwards.com/rumblizer/view...article_key=576
  9. WOW. Looks like it's straight out of the original picture.
  10. To keep this thread entertaining let's all look back at what COULD have been. What IF the 1/100 made it into production?
  11. Darn. Everytime I see this thread at the top of the page I think there's gonna be new pics.
  12. Ah cool. Do you know if there was a F&S meet during the last MW con?
  13. Where are the vernier ducts? BTW. Does anyone else think it's funny that BP wouldn't lend him $10? Hehehe.
  14. Haven't you heard? In the not so distant future Bandai, Hasegawa, and Yamato will create the ULTIMATE MASTERPIECE SOUL OF VALKYRIE.
  15. Another E-Bay Auction I totally forgot about. I think this is the third time I missed out on a GREAT price for this.
  16. Are there any places that have free wi-fi in your area? Like a Starbucks for example......
  17. Wow. Nice to see a fellow Filipino with a massive collection.
  18. Hmmmmmmmm. I forsee the VF-0S taking the cake in 2006. But then again.......if Yamato releases a 1/60 YF-19 that'd be great.
  19. So?!?!?!?!? As we all know Masterpiece Convoy was a late entry and STILL won last years TOTY. Well. I've heard that they ended their nominations for 2005. I wonder if any Macross made it into the nominations. Anyone know?
  20. They should let Kawamori remake each of the G1 figures. I'd gladly sell all my Alternators and Binaltechs for that.
  21. You guys know of any good acrylic cases for the 1/24 Binaltechs? I'm taking a look at those NASCAR ones but they don't seem big enough to hold some of the newer models.
  22. We're about TEN MORE DAYS FROM DAY 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The four hour season premiere! Sunday, January 15th @ 8/7c! Monday, January 16th @ 8/7c!!
  23. Looks SWEEEEEEEEEEEET Ali Sama! I've GOT to make it this time.
  24. The actor who played the elder vampire was pure comedy.
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