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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. OMG. Last nights episode rocked the HOUSE! Literally! What'd you guys think of the new weirdo that replaced Edgar? Looks like it's now: TASERS - 2 BAUER - 0 What about Bauer pulling a DIE HARD moment at the end?
  2. Any chance Yamato will go back to the old school hand printed box art and styrofoam inserts for this one? I have a feeling we'll be disappointed with the box.
  3. Check out top notch Optimus Prime CGI! http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?threadid=336742
  4. I got to meet her this January at the JTAF. She didn't get to perform but she looked good nonetheless.
  5. You're KILLING us Graham! Nevertheless the scans looks great and my wallet is ready to supply Yamato with fresh souls.
  6. I'll be 28 in October. We need more young blood in this forum.
  7. We need to send him some tiny Destroids to adorn the deck.
  8. VERY nice review VF-2SS.....my Assault Type should be here in a few weeks.
  9. Danny Choo has some GREAT coverage of the GITS:SAC:SSS booth from the Japan Anime Fair 2006. Including pics of the lineart, figures, and even the promo video. Check it ou HERE.
  10. Anyone know the history between Kawamori-san and Transformers? Is he going to do anymore figures for Takara?
  11. Someone showed me a link where they still MIGHT be avialible for $60. I just preordered and hope mine comes in.
  12. Is there anywhere to pick it up online? Last time I heard they couldn't keep up with the demand for these little things.
  13. Now THAT's a LOT better than what Yamato offered for the 1/48 CF!
  14. I think it's a nice option to have.......god bless the HORY FROATING HEAD.
  15. I'm not sure but could this be a reference to the robotech forums where one guy asked: "Why is minmay (in robotech?) so annoying??" haha Wasn't it there where the questions were being asked and fans coud ask questions? see here for what I mean: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=340347 (post #250 onwards) I think mari should watch DYRL too if she hasn't. Her apreciation for the story might go up even more and may see why fanatical otaku still hold macross in high regard as a modern classic. (good animation, mech design, music and epic story. aah those were the good ole days..) 382832[/snapback] She did make a couple of DYRL references on the latest DVD. I wonder if HG and ADV is closer to releasing DYRL in the States.
  16. Wasn't that version of Armored Core turn based? Someone told me you don't actually fight during the battles. BTW. Who's got the US release of Me and My Katamari?
  17. Anyone know if they rereleased Hero version is any different? Are you guys gonna get the regular or Assault Type?
  18. To quote Ms. Iijima. Interviewer: "Being a singer songwriter and the actress who played Minmay hasn't always been easy, but you've really come to peace with it recently. Tell us about that." Mari Iijima: "It only happened two or three months ago. I think the process happened slowly, little by little, but when I attended this some kind of a small....it was not a convention but Macross fans, a meeting thing and I was invited. I agreed to be there and I was talking about Macross, honestly, what happened and they were giving me questions. I thought I did fine but after that I got some kind of negative reactions." "I went to see some BBS and people were not pleased about my answers and I felt kind of scared, oh my gosh I can't say anything right, anything about Macross or animation, if I open my mouth I offend people. So, umm I have to decide maybe this is it. I'm not going to talk about Macross, I'm not gonna talk about animation maybe this is it. Because It seems like we have no connection me and the animation world. I don't know what to do,I'm a very sensitive person so I take things personally really hard." "Then something happened, ummm like why don't you it was almost I heard a voice. Why don't you watch the whole Macross series from the first episode to the end. So, a long time ago more than ten years ago my friend copied each episode onto VHS tapes. So I took out those tapes from the closet and I started to watch each episode and I saw the whole thing like in three or four days. So, when I focus I focus real good. When I finished watching I felt wow it didn't seem old at all, it didn't age the series." "I didn't know everything about acting but I gave everything I had and it was really refreshing to see me playing Minmay. The stories were very interesting, the love triangle and the space war. Maybe when I was playing Minmay I wasn't following the stories that closely, and I was busy doing all kinds of stuff. Ummmm, I had a brand new appreciation for Macross. Then I thought I felt like my heart melted (almost like blushing) and then Macross was fun and then a week after your company contacted me if I want to play Minmay again. Hehehe. Interesting."
  19. Did you guys know that Mari gave somewhat of a shoutout to Macrossworld during her interview on Volume Two?
  20. Looks like it WILL be a movie. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=8588
  21. I can't believe it myself.......and that was a nice little trick Jack pulled on the German operative. Anyone else drool at the HOT European chick? Gotta love it when a woman can wear boots like those. Next week. IS JACK BAUER GONNA HAVE TO CHOKE A BITCH?
  22. So all three movies are a condensed version of the fifty Zeta Gundam episodes? The movies have nothing to do with the Double Zeta series?
  23. Alright. I just watched Heir to the Stars and Lovers WITHOUT previous knowledge of the Zeta or ZZ tv series. I thought they're both EXCELLENT as stand alone series but there are a TON of characters to keep track of. Where in the timeline does each movie fit in?
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