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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Looks like the trailer is finally online. Grab it HERE (Megaupload Link)
  2. IMHO Nemesis had the perfect opportunity to spotlight the Romulans. They could have brought back Tomalok and Sela but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
  3. Mods. Can you move this to Toys. Thanks!
  4. You know it's kinda funny but with my first release Roy there are less imperfections than with my second series Hikaru (crooked tailfin emblems).
  5. That's not Sara Pezzini though.
  6. Ouch. For the amount of $ we're paying this should'be be expected from Yamato.
  7. BTW. Nanashi just released Episode #36 a few days ago. YIPPY! http://bt.nanashi-fansubs.com:2710/torrent...130fe6e.torrent
  8. Meh. I'll wait for Nanashi to finish up their run. BTW. Anyone else pick up the official DVD's? I just ordered the boxset and it should be here soon.....it's the lowest price from Deep Discount DVD.
  9. Nice to see Yamato finally tampo printing U.N. Spacy on the gunpod.
  10. I thought the first episode ROCKED! She's a MILF!
  11. OMG that is beautiful.
  12. Congratulations xstoys! Do you remember if any of the guests knew that was Max or Miria on top of the cake?
  13. Alright. I hope you understand ALL of Macrossworld is expecting a ton of pics right about now. Massa.
  14. LOL. I think we've all seen that live action script floating around the subspace that is called E-Bay for YEARS. I don't like this....I'd rather take NO movie then to see what Hollywood will do to Matsumoto's beloved franchise.
  15. Wow. Makes me wonder how long Kawamori's been working on this masterpiece. I can't wait......this will be a huge seller for TakaTomy.
  16. Those G4 commercials are the FUNNIEST! "Does this place have Wi-Fi?"
  17. Wowzers! So it's just like the very expensive version released a couple of months ago?
  18. Word is, Berman is not attached so be thankful. 393117[/snapback] If that's true then I have hope for this project. Berman = Bad Trek
  19. Now that we're so close to release let's take a look at what could have been. All the way back to December 2004.
  20. You could get the Fast Pack version for a little more. But that's a good price nonethelesss.
  22. Whoa. Yeah.....where HAS ol' Curtis been?
  23. OMG! That rat fink of a President is making me SICK. Let's hope Audrey pulls through next week because it finally looks like Bauer will catch up to Robocop face to face. BTW. What happened to Aaron Pierce when he was supposed to meet up with Martha Logan?
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