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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Looks like those Stealth Packs don't want to say on Hikaru's VF-1S.
  2. On that note. What are those two extra chunks of plastic that came with my VF-0S? I've been meaning to ask this for a while. What the heck are they for? 408635[/snapback] They're for the Yamato Fighter Stand. I think the white piece is for Gerwalk Mode (with the grey piece for Fighter).
  3. Now this is a Revoltech that I'll be picking up. They're making one of Revy from Black Lagoon.
  4. Yes. I talked about it a few pages back.
  5. Yes. Yancy "unibrow" Butler. It was a very short live action adaptation.
  6. Awesome pics takatoys!
  7. Any idea if these are already hitting E-Bay?
  8. You fellas. What're you Mario Kart DS Friend Codes? Here's mine (Mar/UN Spacy) 356552 243719
  9. VERY nice collection. If you ever need to find another home for that SDF-1 I'll be glad to help.
  10. Anyone that wants to trade in the regular DS should pass by EB Games. Today (and only today) they're offering $70 trade in value for the DS Lite.
  11. UN Spacy

    Noob Here

    Welcome to the Macrossworld Forums. Please take a look at the pinned threads in the different sub forums. If you're gonna post items for sale then please do it HERE.
  12. I'll probably check it out tomorrow....can't really go wrong with Pixar flicks.
  13. This series does have a definite Bebop feel to it. But it's about gunslining babes and smuggling in the South China seas so there's nothing wrong with that. Revy is NUTS!
  14. Wow. Thanks for the pics FFN! I'll definiltey pick up Screamer and Bumblebee.
  15. no. However it is close to me. The closest airport would be John Wayne Airport. In Santa Ana. 405828[/snapback] Ok.
  16. I'm looking for tix through Southwest. Is the Burbank Airport the closest to this years CON?
  17. Anyone pick up Bandai's transmodel Nirvash? Pretty fun for just $20.
  18. Awesome. That YF-19/21 will be my new wallpaper.
  19. In the First Contact novel the battle was a LOT longer than what we got on the big screen.
  20. That is essentaily what they did for the first season of TNG. They used all the plots from TOS gave them new names and slight tweaks and banged them out as new fodder. So expect a Wrath of Kan rehash or something. 405338[/snapback] Yeah. It was called Nemesis. Just done very badly.
  21. Would a perfect transformation Macross be considered a dark horse?
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