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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Sorry to bump but I've been wondering if they're still going to release the Motoko/Tachikoma. Anyone know?
  2. Agreed. Graham's latest hints has me convinced they'll eventually be made within the next year or two. Now it's just a matter of time.
  3. That's one more variant than the Koenig Monster.
  4. Anyone passing up the CF for Shin's VF-0A?
  5. I voted for balance above everything. Heck, with the designs that Kawamori comes up with you'd be hard pressed to find a shiety looking Fighter.
  6. Why not? Heck. If I change my AV to the Macross maybe Yamato will eventually make one. It's just a matter of time.
  7. Alright folks. Check out this clips that were shown at Comic Con 2006. http://www.simpsonschannel.com/cgi-bin/new...FlllEpkQIHDhKar
  8. I'll pick up Max and Kakizaki to complete my DYRL Skull Squadron. If there aren't any major problems with the VF-0A I might get that afterwards.
  9. WERD. I don't think anyone was expecting this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the VF-4.
  10. Alright fellas. We gotta find Jessica Alba STAT and somehow deliver her to Graham.
  11. Which version of Unicron is this? I don't think it was ever released in Japan or the US.
  12. I just put haterist's custom VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki on E-Bay. Hopefully it'll go to a better home.
  13. Whoa. Nanashi released #42. THAT was quick. http://bt.nanashi-fansubs.com:2710/torrent...6fe02d9.torrent
  14. I heard he was megatron. 419422[/snapback] You heard me America. THAT'S RIGHT I'M TALKING TO YOU AMERICA! All your bases belong to us. Y'hear.
  15. Alright. It's been over a month and we've been kept waiting in the dark but... ...SHINSEN finally released episode #10. http://shinsen.b33r.net/%5BShinsen-Subs%5D...%5D.avi.torrent
  16. How many times have you transformed your 0S?
  17. Nope it's legit. Paramount gave J.J Abrams a three picture deal. It also helps that MI:III was somewhat of a success for them.
  18. Here's the YouTube version as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGfpkuEH1kA
  19. It's gonna look awesome if you can pull off that forced perspective look. It's a good thing I had Movie Edition running on my DVD Player.
  20. I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of time before we see the Screamer repaint. This IS Takaratomy we're talking about after all. How many WRX Alternator repaints did we get?
  21. I think it's been mentioned that Megas-XLR (on Toonami) featured several Macross/Anime references.
  22. Congratulations wm cheng! Just try and avoid getting hit with clear coating.
  23. Awesome! But I'm still waiting for episodes 10-12 of the first season. I wanna see how the crew handles Miss Terminator.
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