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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  2. Looks pretty detailed so far Vinnie. Make it outta there safe and sound alright? Can't wait to see how this progresses.
  3. It'd be nice if Yamato could inheirit some of Bandai's (constantly awesome) build quality and yet keep the awesome sculpt.
  4. Awesome work maxwinamp. Do yo udo commissioned modeling work?
  5. Thanks for the scans Graham. Are these the latest set of pics? How come the hinging shoulders weren't in the previous set of Yamato pics?
  6. Hahaha. Just like Amazon.com and their Transformers collection.
  7. A few more publicity shots I haven't seen before.
  8. Any idea if this will have Shin Kudo's markings?
  9. Alright folks. Time to revive this thread. Looks like it's already been relased in Japan. The OP looks very promising. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkukieT7B_8
  10. Whoa. Is that the Roundface Dougram I see in the background?
  11. Any idea if Yamato will make the joints tighter for their new releases?
  12. Oh man those pics make me drool. MUST HAVE. Thank you Yamato.
  13. Sugoi! You're very lucky to have a wife that draws and loves anime. AWESOME stuff Sumdumgai.
  14. Anyone getting the 1/7 Motoko figure? Not bad for $45. http://www.hlj.com/product/ALP88029
  15. Anyone else pick up one of the new black or pink DS Lites? BTW. Who's into the M3/G6 scene?
  16. Were cameras not allowed into the con? LOL.
  17. Awesome news. Looks like I'll have only one next gen system for now.
  18. All simply amazing. I love that VF-1S about to unleash on Bodolza.
  19. Wait a sec. Doesn't this one have two seats in the cockpit?
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