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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Is that also going to be made out of a tough plastic? That joint looks a bit fragile.
  2. Season Six Trailer HERE. Season Five Thread HERE. Season Four Thread HERE. Season Three Thread HERE.
  3. It looks alright but then again it's hard to get any detail when something's that small.
  4. Maybe the lateset Dengeki Hobby and Hobby Japan will have pics.
  5. #15 just released. Looks like Balalaika will go as far as she needs to stop these kids. YIKES.
  6. I really hope they have more Black Lagoon characters down the pipeline. I just picked up Revy/Revoltech 012 from E-Bay. Hopefully they'll make: Roberta Mr. Chan Balalaika Eda Shenhua .....and those CRAZY CRAZY twins from episodes #13 and #14.
  7. Aside from the autocad pics posted a few months ago I haven't heard any new news about the Andromeda Mechanical File. I'm hoping it's still in the pipeline after Bandai finishes with the White Base. Hopefully it'll parlay into a Soul of Popynica Andromeda that I've been hoping would come for years.
  8. I'm VERY tempted. Resistance is futile.
  9. On a scale from 1 to 5 how would you guys rate the finale?
  10. Bump cause I'm in the market for a VF-1S head.
  11. CRIKEY! 47,250!?!?!?!?!? My gosh that's gotta be the most expensive Yamato item ever made. For that price I sure hope it's already prebuilt.
  12. You be right.... ...somewhat. It's for the Hasegawa 1/72 though. NOT the Yamato 1/60.
  13. Welcome to MW Tokyo Hunter. Where are the VF-0A w/ Ghost pics?
  14. Totally, but a little competition doesn't hurt. Hopefully this'll light a fire in Bandai or Yamato to make a NEW version.
  15. Page displays kinda funky on Firefox and Opera so I did some resizing.
  16. Anyone else going to get the Revy figure?
  17. Alright. Just finished episodes #43 thru #46. Awesome. Awesome . Awesome. Now I remember why this is one of my favorite series of the last several years.
  18. Terribly sorry to hear about that man. Looks like Yamato's QC is getting better. NOT!
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