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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I hope he loves it enough to allow Yamato to release it in 1/48 scale.
  2. "That's hot." Oh come on. HOW can you pass this up? http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?p...xghMiLGsmYG07Kg
  3. Don't be shy folks. Let's keep those Mii Codes coming. I haven't added anyone since MMX but I'm going to later today. MW User Name - Mii Nickname - Wii Console Code UN Spacy - Mar - 6436 4644 4430 5348 MilkManX - MilkManX - 3896 5966 4421 6752 Gaijin - Gai - 2891 6403 3207 0755 Ishimaru - Larry - 4699 2417 4304 4489 JELEINEN - JELEINEN - 1321 5374 2555 9361
  4. Replacement pieces? Should we expect something to break?
  5. Graham. Will this review be one of your longest ever?
  6. Anyone else having problems connecting to WiiConnect24?
  7. IF that was Shin's VF-0A (which it probably isn't) then shouldn't the flight numbers and skull be tampo'd?
  8. Added MilkManX. Hehehe. How about you Ishimaru?
  9. I've put down my $100 already. I doubt I'll be canceling this preorder.
  10. How about we start a Mii thread? Let's list it by MW username - Mii nickname - Wii Console Code. UN Spacy - Mar - 6436 4644 4430 5348
  11. Alright MW'ers. Went to Target around 5:30am and ended up getting ticket 50 out of 60. YIPPY!
  12. So when and where are y'all getting your Wii's this weekend?
  13. Oh MAN! The reviews are coming in for The Twilight Princess. Looks like we have a game that'll topple The Ocarina of Time. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/928519.asp
  14. If any MW'ers have a spare 1/48 vernier I need one bad. Friggin Yamato and their shoddy QC.
  15. Looks like Capcom's Auto Modelista for the PS2. BUT! It come with a free steering wheel!
  16. Are we talking Space Cruiser Yamato's Andromeda or Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda?
  17. I'll be hitting up the Hayward Target around 5am on Sunday. I hope I'm able to snag one.
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