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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Hayao. Can you post more pics of your gunpod fix?
  2. In related news the Wii is doing quite well.
  3. Once it gets here I'm gonna contact Nintendo and ask if I can just keep the console.
  4. Well. I contacted Nintendo about my Wii getting a corrupted memory message. Their customer service was very helpful by shipping me a replacement Wii while they fix my messed up one. Free of charge.
  5. Doesn't matter to me considering I'll be WITHOUT my Wii for the next two to three weeks. I just got a Wii console memory is corrupted message after exiting Wii Sports. I'll have to send it back to Nintendo for repairs.
  6. Anyone getting Wii Play on 1/15/06? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii_Play Considering that it comes with a free Wiimote $50 isn't that bad.
  7. I hope the first release isn't FULL of crooked gunpods.
  8. I'd like to know as well. Hopefully it isn't a big problem.
  9. WOW! 22 Users! This is a momentous occassion my friends. Thanks Graham!
  10. I'm so jealous Sebastian.
  11. GREAT news. I'm on pins and needles waiting for Graham's review.
  12. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/top/the-japan...nual-218939.php
  13. New pics of Spec Unit One. Thanks to bizzio for the pics.
  14. How about the next series features....(QUE THE DRUM ROLL PLEASE) .....all love triangle with three women. I'd buy that for a dollar!
  15. Alright folks. FOX just released the sixth preseason web episode. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlHGg8KZbls JACK! IS! BACK!
  16. For a fan made commercial it captures teh funny pretty well.
  17. Now THIS is a great commercial for the Wii. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnxEnoosh4Q
  18. Naw. I just want the YF-19......and I'm pretty much burnt out with the DYRL VF-1 color scheme.
  19. Now THIS is how MP Starscream should look........link HERE.
  20. Nope. As good as it looks that was someones repaint from a few weeks ago.
  21. I think that's the custom job that popped up a few weeks ago.
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