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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. UN Spacy

    Graham's Sig

    So we're all leaning towards the SV-51 now? Kawamori. You NEED to get started on the VF-4, it's about damn time.
  2. My VF-0S and ghostrider's VF-0A had the same problem. It started off with stress marks then breakage. I still haven't repaired mine.
  3. Yeah. He's been typecast just a tad.......and that movie had the manly Lucy Liu. This one has the HOT Maggie Q.
  4. Naw. You're thinking of Part III (aka the worst one). I'm not even going to mention The NEXT Karate Kid. Anyways. Back on track. More YF-19 pics guys.
  5. To quote Sato from Karate Kid: Part II. "They ASK for too much."
  6. I'm NOT too old for this $#1T! Anyways. I just checked the old boards and I registered on 12/22/01! YIKES! This place sure has been a rollercoaster ride.
  7. For the MW'ers that didn't find a Wii I've heard Nov. 17th will be THE day to get em.
  8. DARN. What a cawk tease. I thought a legit MW'er had start this thread too.
  9. EDIT: Son of a batch! The other side has noticable stress marks I didn't notice and it just cracked.
  10. Alright I just checked both shoulder joints and they're intact. Aside from the nail polish dab I think I'm gonna throw some extra cotton inside for a little more resistance.
  11. Hahahahha ghostryder. This calls for an HFH cameo.
  12. Ah. Alright. I thought that chap who installed the tracker on Bond would eventually become Q in the following movies. BTW. What did you guys think of John Cleese's Q?
  13. BTW. Did Q make an apperance in this one?
  14. What's the quickest fix for the 1/60 VF-0S' loose shoulders? Is a quick dab of nail polish good enough? It's really bothering me now that it's in Gerwalk mode because the sagging is annoying.
  15. Will Yamato have the 311 markings for Shin's VF-0A?
  16. I'm loving the intro page.....VERY nicely done. Simple yet straight to he point. Me hopes there's a seventh box to be added on the middle bottom.
  18. Sorry to go off topic but where'd you get that shirt from Graham?
  19. My Max and Kakizaki BOTH have crooked skulls. Boo-urns Yamato. BOO-URNS.
  20. How's everyone doing on Wii Sports? 1. What's your high score on bowling? 2. How many platinum or gold training medals do you have? I'm 221. I have a Platinum in Homerun Hitting and two Golds.
  21. It's missing the Dogfighter music from your previous 1/48 video reviews. Hehehehehe. The barking dogs don't have the same Macross feel to em.
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