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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Director of Killer 7 (GC) promises to make his new game for the Wii MORE violent than Manhunt 2. http://wii.ign.com/articles/765/765721p1.html
  2. I'm perfectly fine with my SOP Yamato, the electronics still work fine (removed the batteries a long time ago though). There could have been more diecast but it's still worthy of the Space Cruiser Yamato name. I'm waiting for the SOP Andromeda.
  3. Wait. I thought you'd be one of the two that voted it POS.
  4. ANYONE have a fix for the loose wing roots? I have one is tight.....the other is not. I'd like both of them to sit a little higher when in Battroid Mode.
  5. I believe you need to access it from the Wii Shop Channel. Go to the Wii Ware section and it should be there for download.
  6. Everyone check out the new channel that was just released? Everyone Votes?!?!?!?!??
  7. I've heard Red Steel 2 is already in development at Ubisoft. BTW. Wii Play was released today. Anyone picking up a copy?
  8. Hot DAMN! Takatoys YF-19 makes mine look naked. You make a great product look 10 times better. Great work man.
  9. Thanks Noel. If it looks anything like the one in your AV I'll be getting this.
  10. Whoa. Guitar Hero for the Wii? Does that mean we won't need the mock up guitar controller?
  11. JESUS that box is bigger than most Japanese bathrooms! It's just beautiful.......truely the ultimate Yamato.
  12. Damn you Bandai! Where's my Soul of Popynica Andromeda?
  13. I love all three equally.....despite their flaws.
  14. So you're saying the Wii has no ADULT games? Rockstart just announced they're releasing Manhunt 2 for Nintendo's latest system. http://kotaku.com/gaming/manhunt/manhunt-2...-psp-234409.php
  15. According to my friend they're still hard to find up here. He actually had to get his through Craigslist.
  16. Oh my. These Bauer's are very, very, very sick in the head. Predictable but great cliffhanger.
  17. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. After tonights performance by Kiefer he deserves another Emmy. What a touching moment between Jack and Graem Bauer.
  18. Guess what game they just released for the Virtual Console today. Super Mario World!
  19. I think Kawamori's plate is already full with the new Aquarion OVA and KISSDUM keeping him busy.
  20. Graham. Can you ask them if their 1/60 SV-51 is the figure to celebrate the 25th Anniversary? WHY aren't they interested in making their own SDF-1 Macross? The WAVE version created a lot of buzz here, but we're pretty much hoping for something bigger and better (but NOT necessarily mor expensive) from Yamato. Can you also remind them that a 1/48 VF-4 Lighting III would be a BEST seller? Thanks again!
  21. Conan O'Brien vs. Serena Williams in a game of Wii Tennis. LOL. http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/clip-conan-...nnis-233417.php
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