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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I'm looking to see it next week seeing as I'm on vacation. The movie around 3 hours and 12 minutes too. YIKES.
  2. I don't know about you guys but Super Paper Mario is a must buy. It's OUT next Tuesday! http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/933012.asp
  3. Agreed. I always give it at least several episodes.
  4. That's gotta be the worst accidental mistransformation ever.
  5. NEW Trailer! Transformers Movie is SCREWED afer July 7th. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IfRb-sWuDk&eurl=%2Findex
  6. In term of brand new molds. Grimlock Soundwave Hot Rod(imus) Galvatron In terms of repaints. Anime accurate Starscream or one of the other two Seekers.
  7. More time to save up is fine with me. With four new VF's on preorder I'll need as many weeks as possible.
  8. I'd like to know as well. I'm itching for a new mecha series now that E7 has been over for quite some time.
  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one that was disappointed with last night's episode. Wayne Palmer's decision was totally out of character. WTF are you smoking Manny Coto?
  10. Thanks for the pics Kev. I get the feeling a bunch of MW'ers just breathed a sigh of relief. It isn't glued ON! HURRAY!
  11. My friend has been looking for a Wii for a few months, since he only has Best Buy gift cards he can only get it from there. Seems like they NEVER have it in stock.
  12. What's next Macrossworld turns into Rowbowtekplanet Forums?
  13. This question can go either way. It could be the figure(s) that started off your collection while you were young and eventually stopped collecting. Or one that you picked up recently which reignited your love for all things with a Big West sticker (or both if you've had a collection since you were a young lad).
  14. One of the cannons took some coaxing to get into place, after a bit of fidling they're both in perfect alignment. I I have a much harder time getting them to stay put in cruiser mode.
  15. Orange cap or not...I just want Megs already. Hurry the hell up EMS shipping!
  16. The Macross takes top spot in the display case. That's no easy feat.
  17. Wow. That seller was FAST....shipped on the 25th and it's here on the 31st. BTW. After a couple of hours of fidling the right arm is a bit loose. It can't hold the ARMD in low vertical poses that easily. Any recommendations? Aside from that it's a goregeous addition to da collection.
  18. Brand NEW commercial tv spots just released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dl1Vaa2ecA
  19. BRAND NEW tv commercial spots out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dl1Vaa2ecA
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