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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Judging from the screencaps I'm pretty sure this performance of An Angel Paints is from that DYRL TV special. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37XqBLJzhRg Maybe the rest IS on Youtube.
  2. HERE we go Macrossworld! The first episode of KISSDUM finally subbed! Grab it HERE!
  3. I don't wanna sent it back too but what else can we do? EDIT: I'm still waiting for a reply from HLJ.com
  4. I'm hoping HLJ.com can do something about this problem.
  5. It happened to you too?!?!?!??!!? The lateral swivel also crumbled on me. After a half assed attempt at repair I decided to put everything back in the box. What's up with all these companies and shody work? Bandai's SPEC UNIT ONE with shitty thighs. Takara's MP-5 with weak elbows. Yamato's YF-19 with breaking plastics.
  6. Speaking of transforming it correctly and regularly I wonder who's going to participate in the 1/48 VF-1 contest at MW Con. It should be VERY interesting to say the least.
  7. Oh GOSH we need some serious news here. This thread has gone into a downward spiral the last few weeks.
  8. Ummmmm. Have you guys SEEN the 1/60 VF-1S head? Enough said.
  9. NEW footage from Capcom's Treasure Island Z (working title). http://kotaku.com/gaming/capcom/clip-proje...p?autoplay=true
  10. Wow. Finally someone's had bad luck getting their MP-5 into their country. Sorry to hear about that Eazy D.
  11. What's MW's take on Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Looks like it's definitely a light gun on rails type of shooter. http://kotaku.com/gaming/umbrella-chronicl...ideo-252374.php
  12. Well. I got my set today and one piece was already snapped in half. Help me DyNo. You're my only hope.
  13. I love this game. Remember guys....flip EVERYWHERE as much as possible.
  14. Welcome to the Macrossworld Forums Ryoma. What else has Shingo Araki worked on?
  15. Ordered mine from Hobby Link Japan. Came with a removable yellow butt plug.
  16. Making the trip to Circuit City in a few hours.
  17. Just when you thought Jack was rid of the Chinese.... GREAT episode tonight......I was cheering when Jack stormed in at the end. Bravo.
  18. Too hard for you? LOL. J/K Hikuro. All things aside it's a bit frustrating but it really develops yer platforming skills. They need to release Turtles In Time already.
  19. Do fansubs usually take this long to show up?
  20. I did a similar thread a couple of months ago: How Does Shoji Kawamori rate As A Mecha Designer? He's had quite a history.
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