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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Color is still WAY too grey...preorder canceled.
  2. I'd rather they made the 1/60 Britai sofubi that never made it into production...or finish the rest of the Phalanx they had. Anyone know what happens to their vaporware?
  3. Kinda glad I only have Nora and never picked up Ivanov. It's gonna make that 30k yen price tag seem slightly less painful.
  4. WOW! Look at size of the new Gatlantis ship next to the Andromeda and Kodai's ship.
  5. The sequel has already surpassed the original. http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2017/02/17/john-wick-2-box-office-keanu-reeves-sequel-took-just-eight-days-to-outgross-its-predecessor/#c8be2a167c0c Update the title for the eventual part III.
  7. OMG. Figma Priss!
  8. The largest and most intricate Valks...my wallet just killed itself. This is gonna be a HUGE bitch.
  9. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    Posted em online and someone on IG and Twitter said that's a fake.
  10. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    Macross The First Minmay, Hikaru, and Misa on Max Factory's Figma drawing board at WonFes!
  11. HOLY SH*t
  12. HOLY SH*T that was awesome. Now where's the annoucement of English subs.
  13. Waste of money.
  14. Awesome...super excited to hear the coverage. Will episode 73 and 74 be on iTunes soon? Thanks Tochiro and crew.
  15. Those Yamato 2202 x Under Armour shirts are pretty sweet. Lemme guess...not available to folks in the US?!
  16. Damnit...gotta wait for an SHF figure to be in stock before Ami ships the armor.
  17. Arcadia's latest Tweet said they'd be announcing something (possibly new) at next week's winter WonFes (2/19). Get those tin fail hats ready boys. IBITSYETANOTHERVF1REISSUE.
  18. FU*K CANCER.
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