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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Looks like it'll be just the single disc version for me.
  2. How beautiful would this look in 1/60 posed next to my YF-19 and VF-0S? Come on Graham. Use your Sith Lord powers. We ALL want it.
  3. With the release (supposedly) a few weeks away the mods will probably close the original one.........she was getting too big for her good anyways. http://www.amiami.com/shop/?vgForm=Product...ate=review.html
  4. I'll third the question about the VF-4. I know you said they'll NEVER be a 1/48 version. But how about a 1/60 version?
  5. I just got a shipping confirmation from HLJ.com Mah VF-1S is on da way!
  6. Thanks for the link Twoducks! I'm looking foward to this more than Yamato's SV-51.
  7. Roy's VF-1S is getting yet another reissue? AWESOME. Hard to believe October of '03 was when they were first released. It's four yeears later and they're STILL in high demand. http://www.amiami.com/shop/?vgForm=Product...ate=review.html
  8. Oh man. I'm in love. (with the SV-51)
  9. Awesome. I enjoyed A.W.O's podcast review of DYRL. I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too. THX guys!
  10. The Cullen prequel DVD seems more tempting than the other offers.
  11. NICE score Kyp Durron! When I saw the thread bumped I thought a SOP Andromeda had been announced.
  12. D'oh. I've had to cancel my preorder. M&M are a bit too much on my wallet right now. HOPEFULLY they won't be gone forever.
  13. Happy 25 Macross! This yoshinol chug is for YOU.
  14. October 3rd, 1982 - October 3rd, 2007. It is OFFICIALLY the 25 Annivesary of Macross! LET'S PARTY! BREAK OUT THE YOSHINOL THIS ONE'S GONNA BE A RAGER!
  15. Great Impact Gurren Lagann NOW available for preorder at HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13491 (earlybird until October 9th)
  16. THE OST (official soundtrack) is out guys! 130MB's. ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWA! http://tracker.anirena.com/download.php?id=2288
  17. Simon's just doing what he can do the best. It's those instincts that brought his character full circle, returning to what he's always been good at. Sure it would've been nice to see HIM onboard the Chouginga instead of Viral. Most folks would prefered they switched places. But I think it's rather fitting for someone of Simon's character to wander the planet. Helping others to drill through the space that HE created for future generations. It's bittersweet but an end nonetheless.
  18. The epilogue leaves room for Gainax to create more stories. Here's hoping......
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