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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. The VF-1. I'am drunk righht now.
  2. Fellas. Is this the Megahouse version? If so then I'm almost sold. WOW. http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/86335
  3. Alright folks. It's that time of year again. http://saigar08.michaeldodd.net/ Let's see how many Macross characters make it in this time.
  4. GHIII is on the Wii. Rock bank isn't. GHIII for me.
  5. 1UP.com 9.5/10 1UP/GameVideos Video Review Deeko.com 10/10 GamePro 5/5 gamesTM 9/10 Source GameRankings.com
  6. I'm tempted to clean up my Masterpiece Starscream. Here's Optimus Scourge's from TFW2005. All fresh and crispy.
  7. Vaporware folks. This does not exist.
  8. Got my VF-1S.....shoddy paint work in one or two places. I'll take some pics later.
  9. BEAUTIFUL. Too bad I'm not an Appleseed fan. Now. If they released a GITS:SAC Major and Batou THEN I'd pick it up.
  10. Seems like not many folks on MW give a shiet. Sadly I'm not one of them. Anyone of you pick up Zack and Wiki? Super Mario Galaxy is a week or so away!
  11. Good news. I found Starscream. Bad news. There was only ONE on the shelf. I'll still keep my eyes open man. If I find another one it's all yours.
  12. HOLY MILY. If Tony and the Chicago Cubs mug returns I will forgive them for the travesty that was S6.
  13. If you see an extra one could you pick one up for me? I'll check out the Union City and Fremont ones tomorrow and do the same if I see two.
  14. The newer one that's going right on top of Focker's VF-0S.
  15. I just got my GHOST only payment request from HLJ.com, awesome.
  16. Heads up folks. Someone at TFW has found US Masterpiece Starscream for $48.
  17. Awesome. They're in scale with Konami's Lagann.
  18. I got it for $8 thanks to an Amazon.com gift card I nearly forgot about. Whew. http://www.amazon.com/Battlestar-Galactica...5748&sr=1-8
  19. Anyone sporting BSG stuff for Halloween? I just ordered one of these.
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