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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. WOW! Can't wait for this to be released. I bet it's all brand new images too, I hope there's also some interviews on how they designed the Veritechs.
  2. Any spoilers? I'm still on my first Divine Beast lol.
  3. How'd the Switch do this weekend? http://www.businessinsider.com/nintendo-switch-launch-sales-2017-3
  4. So how friggin awesome is Zelda? GOTD?! http://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild
  5. LOVING the Pro Controller. Just got SnipperClips from the eShop.
  6. No East Coast folks got a midnight release? I still have another two hours to go.
  7. MEIN GOT. GOTY. Metacritic at 98% http://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild
  8. Want: Yooka-Laylee Snipperclips Blaster Master Snake Pass Specter Knight
  9. GREAT news...very deserving.
  10. For those that haven't preordered but still looking to nab a console on 3/3. Selected Best Buy, GameStop, and Targets will gave some put aside for walk-ins. Location and stock will vary...be prepared to wait. I'd recommend keeping this website handy. http://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/consoles/nintendoswitch/
  11. You do know that the Macross Frontier movies and Macross Delta tv BD's were worked on by fellow Macrossworld members...and they're an LOT better than any fansub out there. What Engrish are you referring to on the Macross Plus BD's?
  12. First review for BOTW...EDGE scores it a 10/10. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1347513
  13. Snipperclips AND Fast RMX will now be launch titles. Both are digital only and $19.99 each.
  14. HORRIBLE news. They just lost of customers with that news. I would've purchased the entire series too.
  15. System embargo is officially over and most video game sites/reviewers are sharing info.
  16. Franco...McBride... where's Seth Rogen?
  17. Is that Dragon Quest even being offered digitally?
  18. Preorder for Queen Sheryl: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-028244&page=top
  19. Can't get mine shipped until SHF Han Solo is in stock.
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