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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Graham. Can you please ask Yamato if they're planning to sell the stands that come with the SV-51 and YF-21's seperately? Maybe give them attachments to support older 1/60's and 1/48's?
  2. Yup. I think I'm sticking the the Megahouse ones.
  3. I await Swoosh's AWESOME, MOUTH WATERING photos that'll make me one jealous Macrossworlder.
  4. Since there's no chance of a 1/48 VF-1D, Elint, or Superostrich I'm gonna have to go with YES. Yamato should just say out front they're discontinuing the 1/48 lineup instead of us having to keep our hopes up.
  5. Long time no see Jung! GREAT custom you've got going there.
  6. I'm a bit miffed that Yamato waited until the release of the SV-51 to include Fast Packs and a Stand with each of their VF's. Now that the YF-21 will include all the goodies it makes my YF-19 a bit naked. They should have thought about this in the first place when reintroducing the Macross Plus lineup.
  7. As expected they're NOT being sold in bundles.
  8. They remind me of those creatures from ThePuppet Master. Freaky.
  9. Aren't we supposed to pay less for smaller scaled figures?
  10. During its first week Super Mario Galaxy sold 750,000 copies in the US. http://www.vgchartz.com/aweekly.php
  11. Anyone know if there's an online retailer offering BOTH SV-51's in a package deal?
  12. It kinda makes ya wonder what Yamato has in store for 2008 considering they don't have the Frontier license. Heck, my hopes for a VF-4 just shot up a tad bit.
  13. A little background info on the word GAR. It's basically a tournament to find the most GAR anime character (of the season). The field of 120 will be narrowed down to ONE. Last year (which was also the first one) Guts of Berserk won it all.
  14. The amount of carnage capable by Celestial Being is quite impressive. Why do I get the feeling Tieria will backstab the team within the next episodes?
  15. This series has the potential for the MOST fanservice. They'd be able to draw from nearly 70+ years of history. Now whether or not Kawamori and crew use that to their advantage is up to them.
  16. Whew. I made it in time. Sorry if it's been asked before but I'd like to know how good is the build/quality control for Megahouse figures?
  17. Screw the VF-11 I want DESTROIDS.
  18. Wow. This is pretty big news....thanks for confirming it Graham.
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